According to this study, animals judge us according to how we treat the rest

The best way to know the true character of a person is to see how he treats the rest and this not only serves us humans, but also the animals.

A scientific study showed that animals such as dogs and monkeys tend to identify how a person is according to how kind they are to other humans, which shows that they have a sense of morality.

Animals judge you by your behavior

Animals are smarter than you would think and not only for the things they can do, but also for the way they look at the world and distinguish different behaviors.

If you are kind to others, your dog will see you in a positive way, but if you tend to mistreat other people, your pet will consider you a negative person, according to an interesting study carried out by specialists from the University of Kyoto in Japan.

The team of specialists worked separately with both dogs and monkeys, exposing the animals to two scenes by live actors. In the first, one of the people had difficulty opening a container with toys, then the other actor could react either helping or refusing to lend a hand.

In the second scene, one of the actors was playing with three balls and the other asked him to share with him, acceding to the request and giving him all the balls. The difference was when the first actor requested them back, there or returned the three or did not give any.

At the end of each of the experiments, the two participating actors offered a piece of food to the animals.

In the act where the human helped or shared with the other, both dogs and monkeys showed no preference about choosing who would take the food, but when one of the actors represented the bad character, they chose to choose the person who did not receive the help I needed.

Researchers believe that dogs and monkeys, and perhaps other animals, can distinguish when a person has behaviors that they consider anti-social and react by considering it to be less reliable.

Animals would use this system of complex understanding of attitudes among humans as a way to protect themselves from potentially damaging interactions and what better way to do that than by analyzing how they behave with their own peers.

A sample of how wise and sensitive animals can be and how humans can learn from them, not for nothing did nature equip them with such complex emotional intelligence.

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