SteemSports: - 2018 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers - Italy vs Spain - Mass SP Distribution Game!

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SteemSports Editor: Ricardo Goncalves - @thecryptodrive

Please welcome Roberto Constenla as simulcast (multi-language) SteemSports presenter, Rob will be presenting in English and translating to Spanish.

SteemSports Presenter: Roberto Constenla - @metalcrypto86

Match Preview / Previa del Partido

Two of the strongest national teams in the history of Football face-off: Spain with 1 World Cup/3 European Cups and Italy with 4 World Cups/1 European Cup, are together in Group G of the Uefa World Cup Qualifiers. Both teams are clear favourites for the first place of the group; therefore this match will be crucial for both team expectations of qualifying for the next World Cup.

Dos de los equipos más fuertes a nivel mundial en la historia del futbol: Italia con 4 Copas del Mundo/1 Eurocopa Y España con una Copa mundial/3 Eurocopas, se encuentran en el grupo G de la Uefa para clasificar a la Copa Mundial, son claramente los favoritos al primer lugar de este grupo e incluso para ganar la Copa del Mundo, así que este partido será crucial para ambas selecciones en sus aspiraciones mundialistas.

The game will be on Thursday 20:45 UTC +2 Time Zone.

El Juego será transmitido a las 20:45 UTC + 2 Zona Horaria


One of the sides historically known for their defensive game on the pitch, Italy has known how to renew itself in these last 10 years, with a more tactical scheme in all the sectors of the field that constantly pressures its opponents while taking advantages of the slightest mistake an opponent may make.
One of the masterminds behind this scheme was Antonio Conte, in spite of not having many internationals on Italy's side, managed to push the capabilities of each player of the team to the edge by appealing to the pride of being on a the team with the most wins in the history of Football.

Even though he is not longer the Italian Dt, the winning and working mentality goes on by the hand of their new Dt Giampiero Ventura, who won the first qualifying match prior this game.

A pesar de haber sido históricamente una selección caracterizada por el gran manejo defensivo que se extendía a los once jugadores en la cancha, Italia ha sabido renovarse en los últimos 10 años, con un estilo táctico a uno de más orden en todas las zonas del campo mientras que aprovechan cualquier debilidad que puedan mostrar sus adversarios.

Uno de los impulsores de este sistema fue Antonio Conte quien a pesar de no contar con tantas figuras internacionales en la selección Azzura, logro sacar el máximo de sus jugadores apelando al orgullo de ser una de las selecciones más ganadoras en las historia del futbol.

A pesar de que ya no maneja la selección, la mentalidad ganadora y de mucho trabajo continua de la mano de Giampiero Ventura quien ya gano el primer partido de la fase de grupos de esta eliminatoria.


The Red Fury, is the national team that revolutionized world football, with a game style where they constantly keep control of the ball while pleasing their followers and terrorizing their opponents with the most lethal and precise offense game. The have one World Cup and two European Cup in the last 8 years prove it.

This team has great champions from huge teams like Real Madrid and Barcelona, and at the same time a winning mentality that has made them the national team with the most wins in the last ten years. Their new Dt Juan Lopetegui is Juan Vicente del Bosque successor with whom La Rojas has won many titles.

Until now Juan Lopetegui has done a good work with this great team full of huge names in the world football scene in order to continue with the offense game style, they have won their first game in this qualifiers but he certainly will face their most greatest tests as a manager, because he will travel to Italy to face them at the Juventus Stadium, the House of Juventus, where many great players play every month for Juve and will do the same for Italy as they belong too in the Azzurri squad and that will make them feel literally at home while facing possibly the best national football team in the world.

La furia Roja, la selección nacional que revoluciono el futbol mundial los últimos años con un estilo de juego donde mantiene el control del balón mientras deleita a sus seguidores y aterroriza a sus contrincantes con un juego ofensivo letal y preciso.

Este equipo cuenta con grandes jugadores de grandes equipos como el Real Madrid y el Barcelona, y a su vez una mentalidad ganadora que lo ha hecho la selección nacional más ganadora en los últimos 10 años del futbol mundial. Su nuevo técnico Juan Lopetegui., es el sucesor de Juan Vicente del Bosque, con el que La Roja gano tantos títulos.

Hasta el momento sabido manejar bien a este grupo plagado de grandes estrellas para continuar con el estilo de juego ofensivo que los caracteriza ya que gano el primer partido de esta fase clasificatoria, pero en contra de Italia tendrá una de sus más grandes pruebas ya que jugara de visitante en el Juventus Stadium, la casa de la Juventus, donde juegan grandes jugadores italianos que a su vez juegan para Italia y se sentirán literalmente en casa mientras se enfrentan a la posiblemente mejor selección del mundo.

Head to Head/ Cabeza a Cabeza

As we can see in the table, historically this game has been played 35 times with Spain's small dominance over Italy's side, with a proportion of 12:11 and a rate of 1.34 goals scored for Spain per game against 1.43 goals scored for Italy.

Como podemos ver en la tabla, históricamente este juego ha ocurrido 35 veces con una clara ventaja de España sobre Italia, con una proporción de 12:8 y un promedio de 1.34 goles para Españá por partido en contra un promedio de 1.43 gols por partido para el Barcelona

Possible Lineups/ Posibles alineaciones

Italy: Buffon, Barzagli, Bonucci, Chiellini, Candrea, Parolo, Verratti, Bonaventura, Antonelli, Pelle, Eder.

Spain: De Gea, Pique, Busquets, Roberto, Koke, Thiago, Vitolo, Ramos, Alba, Costa, Silva.

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  • Vote on the main post to enter the bet (main post rewards will also be added to the Stake Pool).

  • Cast your Vote Bet on ONLY ONE outcome for which you bet on for the win (Multiple comment votes will be automatically disqualified by the script).

  • After 24 hours, the post and related game comments payout to the pool; remember 25% voters rewards are deducted from the total post payout value first as per Steem curation rules. Voters are rewarded in standard fashion in proportion to their Steem Power holdings.

The Stake Pool:

  • The remaining 75% of the total payout is paid out in 50% Steem Power and 50% in liquid currencies, the latter now varies in payout ratio after the new fork. To make the process less complicated, we have decided to use all paid out SBD to buy Steem in the internal market to create a grand total Steem Stake Pool.

  • 30% of the Stake Pool will be retained, of which 15% will go to the writer/sports presenter of the post, and the 15% balance towards editing, development and advertising.

  • 70% of the Stake Pool will be held until the event/game outcome is determined.

  • Once the winning outcome is determined, we will execute a proprietary developed script that will divide and pay out the Steem rewards equally, using the Power Up method, to Mass Distribute SP to all participants that voted on the main post as the entrance fee as well as voted on the correct comment representing the winning outcome.

  • Only participants with a Reputation of 35 or more will qualify to earn SP rewards, but non-qualifiers can still vote and comment in support of the redistribution initiative.

Disclaimer and Image Credits:

  • Image Credits: National images team's logo copyright belongs to Head to head image copyright belongs to

  • Images used in this post are either paid for and modified, Creative Commons (CC) or image credits supplied.

  • Note the views and predictions of the presenters are their own personal views and do not reflect the views and opinions of @steemsports. @steemsports does not offer betting advice.

  • Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE)

  • @steemsports reserves the right to amend future payout percentages based on the operation needs of the account.

  • @steemsports is not a traditional betting platform and no fiat currency is used as rewards or in casting bets; as such does not fall under any gaming and gambling jurisdictions; but even so, users are urged to first consult with the laws and age restrictions of their countries.

  • @steemsports in the unlikely event that when the Stake Pool is divided up between the winners and the nomenclature resolution goes below the third decimal place (example: 0.0001), then Steem decimal restrictions won’t allow a payout and the pool will carry over to the next game.

  • Please vote responsibly :).

Copyright © Ricardo Goncalves 2016

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