The Death Dollar, @fat-elvis & miscellany

Hi friends!

So it’s not even a remotely fair fight anymore — and we are winning!

I “converted” some crypto to cash and paid a visit to my lcs today, just ‘cause the online order i placed yesterday won’t land for a few days... the jones is in full bloom.

Check out the heist! This is the stuff that makes @fat-elvis do thefunky-chicken dance!




Here’s the splash: including 10 x canadian dollars and 5 x US 1/2’s


All these coins were purchased with profits from crypto. Simply buying them is a great way to hedge against the unknown and a dollar that is in free-fall for purchase power. The above cost me juat $240 cad — that’s about $185 usd, bit since i used profits from crypto trading one could argue that they were free.

Holy crap! I just checked my receipt and realize they charged me for 5$ of American face instead of the 5 coins — so i am going back ther to pick up my 5 x usd halves. My lcs charges by dollar of face value for junk and my clerk was obviously bamboozled by the shiny that he forgot store policy. Lol

Anyway, the bill was $242 cad, $14.50 for the Canadian dollars, and $17 cad for 2 halves of the us90.

Thanks ssg! If i hadn’t written this post i would never have noticed that i got underserved!

Rock on!


Cheers! from @thedamus


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