@agscotskiwi Hand Poured Silver Bar

It gives me so much pleasure to show this @agscotkiwi's hand poured silver bar.

For those who have not met her yet, you will find @agscotskiwi on Youtube, at the Metal's Mafia Discord Channel, and here at steemit.

I met @agscotkiwi on YouTube some 8 months ago. She is an expat living in New Zealand. @agscotkiwi is not only a silver stacker, she is a silver pourer as well. She took to silver pouring about 6 months ago.

Immediately after I watched her first pouring video on YouTube, I reached out to her and asked if she would trade a silver pour of hers for my 2018 Silver Saver Bar.

And here it is, the #2 Ag Scots Kiwi Silver Bar.

Use the slider to see the @agscotkiwi's hand poured silver bar.

I am lucky to have one of @agscotkiwi's first pours, but most importantly I feel blessed to have found a great friend in her.

She is a treasure!!!

I found this poem on the internet, and it immediately made me think of @agscotskiwi, and thus I posted this article.


by Ron Carnell

It's so hard to find the perfect breeze,
One blowing none too hard nor soft,
Carrying a scent of wildflowers,
And moving clouds about aloft.

It's so hard to find the perfect sky,
One blue and deep and bright,
Carrying a sense of openness
With geese and wrens in flight.

It's so hard to find the perfect night,
One warm, quiet and unflawed,
Carrying a mood of solitude,
And a closeness to our God.

Yet no perfection's so hard to find
As that which you extend
And none I'll ever treasure more,
Than to simply be your friend.

Source: 100 Poems

This is a video of the unboxing. Please feel free to watch it or not.

Thank you for spending time with me. I will see you again soon!

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