Making of the 2018 Silver Saver Bars

Hello and good evening. Today I am sharing the video of my part of the making of the 2018 Silver Saver Bar. Silver Saver coordinated the project, Silverspoon22 from YouTube designed and made the mold I used for this bar. I poured and finished the bars. Silverspoon22 did a great job on the mold.

These bars are very special because Silver Saver only gives these bars to people. They are not bought. To quote Pit You know you have done something right if you get one of these bars.

Silver Saver is a very kind and generous lady. I am very fortunate to be able to call her my friend.

On a side note I now wear a mask and of course eye protection for safety when I do the sand blasting. When working with any silver finishing products always read the bottle or bag. Most of the stuff needs to be handled with caution.

Please watch the Making of the 2018 Silver Saver Bars if you have time.

Thanks for stopping by and have a good evening.


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