Is 100oz too Big?

I sometimes ponder the greater questions of life myself. What is the ideal size of Silver for the future? Personally, I have a little of many sizes, but the bulk of my stack is in 1oz ASEs and 10oz bars. A lot of 100 ounce bars are just too big in a SHTF scenario to be lugging around. To try and cash in for fiat or Gold at that point is also likely to be a pain. The premiums on 1oz and 10oz bars are also so low right now, that it doesn't make sense to be buying a lot of 100oz bars.


If Silver does hit $100+ /oz, there also may be reporting requirements to Big Brother for transactions over $10,000 so there is that to consider as well. Government is coming at some point so better to stay lean and mean.

Stay liquid my friends...


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