#piratesunday The Foundry Part 3 by Slacker Stacker (@dixiesilverminer entry)

Y'arrrrrr my pirate brothers and sisters and welcome to another #piratesunday here on the Silver Wing!! Again we have the Dragon Master himself spreading his knowledge of Captain K and his crews voyage to The Foundry! When we last saw our amazing pirate adventurers they were confronted by a large warrior and it did not go well to say the least. Let now pause to long as I know you have had a whole week of plundering to worry about the Captain and crew. Now onto the tale!!

Captain K 2.jpg
(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

His own groan echoed in his ears as he slowly opened his eyes. A blurred vision of dark stone was all he could see, but as his eyes slowly focused and he realized that he was staring up at the ceiling of a cell.
Captain K began to sit up, when pain ripped through his head and jaw.
“Oooh…” He sighed and tried to reach up to feel his sore chin, but found his arms bound at the wrists. He suddenly became alert and scanned the room.
Lit by torches, the chamber was small, windowless and had a single thick iron door as its only entrance or exit. His friends still lay slumped on the floor, unconscious and bound by the wrists and ankles in shackles made from hardened steel.
Shifting his weight, he kicked at his First Mate’s legs.
The man jerked, grunted and began to blink against the fire light.
“Captain?” He asked in a groggy voice.
“Yes!” K exclaimed. “Are you ok?” He asked in concern.
D nodded, his head starting to clear. “Yes Captain, whatever they shot me with is wearing off… You?”
“I am fine… But we have been captured.”
D tried to move his arms. “So it would seem…” He agreed as he struggled to a seated position. “What now?”
“Help me wake up the others. Then we will figure out what to do next.”
“Aye, captain…” He shifted his weight by digging his heals against the floor and turning to push and rouse the party with his boots. All woke but one. No matter how hard he prodded or how loud he yelled, Slak Tor lay motionless.
“We may have a problem captain… I cannot wake Slak Tor.” He said in a grave tone.
“Oh, by all that’s holy!” K breathed. “If he dies or is dead, what do we do about Tarakona?”

(Slak-tor thanks to @slacker-stacker)

The dark tops of trees sped beneath as leathery wings beat the air. One large talon held a limp deer as Tarakona flew back to the campsite.
The dragon had done as asked. A large village had been found on the other side of the island. It was as the Captain had said, the lights and fires of the small city stood out against the darkness.
Rivers of lava flowed from the backside to the mountain through man made channels that emptied into the sea creating the ever present mist that surrounded the island.

However, the worst thing he had seen were small dots of torchlight moving through various points of the island that meant the Metals Guild regularly patrolled their territory and it was only a matter of time before the one he called father and his friends were discovered and captured. The clearing came into view and he began his descent.
The campfire was still burning, sleeping rolls were arranged around the flickering orange light, but the camp appeared to be empty.
Forgetting his catch for his friends, the deer crashed to the ground as Tarakona spread his wings to slow himself and land. Huge clawed feet thudded against ground as he approached the fire, his sharp blue eyes taking in the scene.
His nostrils flared as he sniffed at the empty bedrolls and knew each scent as those who served on The Dragon Fire, but when he smelled the scent of the one he called father, a long mournful wine penetrated the still air.
Sharp claws dug into the earth as he moved about the camp sniffing the ground and he suddenly stopped. He sampled the air again and found another smell, one he did not know, but it was definitely human. The scent was heavily mingled with that of Captain K’s and a low growl began to rumble in his scaled chest, his eyes narrowing as he lifted his head and looked to the direction of the village.
Spreading massive wings he craned his long neck toward the heavens letting out roar of anguish and pain but ending in pure rage and hatred.

Tarakona source

The first blues of dawn began to blossom into the bright reds and oranges of morning as the enraged beast took to the air. His thick tail slammed into nearby tree trunks sending their tops plunging to the ground below as he gained altitude.

All efforts to wake the dragon master had failed and K was becoming increasingly concerned.
“Is he even alive?” Captain K asked urgently.
Sir Bentley made his way to the prone man and lowered his head. He could feel the slightest moment across his filament like whiskers.

(Sir Bentley)

“He is alive Captain, I can feel his breath!” He sighed in relief.
Suddenly the sound of a sliding bolt echoed in the room and the door swung open. Captain K recognized the huge warrior that had rendered him unconscious before. Holding his oversized mace in both hands he stepped into the cell and eyed them.

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(Warriors Symbol thanks to @slacker-stacker)

“Now it is time for some answers…” He barked loudly and frowned at the prone body. “Is he alive?” He asked bluntly.
“Yes, he lives, but he needs help.” Sir Bentley replied.
“Later… Answers first!” The warrior said keeping to the business at hand. “Why are you here?” He growled.
“We are here to see Lady Vulcan, but I told you that.” Captain K answered.
The burly man shifted his gaze to the flame haired officer.
“Oh, you will see Lord and Lady Vulcan at your sentencing! But I need some answers to determine what that sentence will be.” He said calmly, but then he raised his voice. “You were not invited, not listed as any kind of vendor or customer under any kind of contract. You just appeared on our island without notice!” He bent at the waist and stared them down. “The Metals Guild doesn’t play around!” He warned.
“We do not wish to cross the Guild. We only seek a meeting with Lady Vulcan.” K replied, keeping a calm tone.
“Oh?” The warrior asked angrily. “Then you won’t mind telling me how you all got here! There is no ship that we have found, no dingy on the beach for you and your friends to have landed here… I guess you just appeared out of thin air?” He asked sarcastically.
“We flew in on the back of a very large dragon.” K answered truthfully, but didn’t mention his ship in fear that the guild would send ships of their own to capture her and the rest of the crew.
The warrior began to chuckle. “No you didn’t…” He shook his head. “There are no dragons in this area. Even if there were, which there are not, how could any of your tame one and control it?” He spat. “Now tell the truth!” He growled.
“Sir?” Key-Wee interrupted. “May I ask your name?”
“I am called The Bear, that’s all you have to know.” He said bluntly “Do you have any answers for me?”
“Yes…” She said softly. “He speaks the truth! We did ride here on a dragon. And he…” She nodded to the still sleeping man. “Is a dragon master. Whatever you used on us during our capture may be killing him! If we don’t get him help soon, you will have a much bigger problem than the five of us!” She warned.

(Arch-mage Key-Wee)

Bear shook his head. “I don’t believe you. I think you are here to rob us, steal our secrets, or trying to muscle in on our business!” He said angrily. “What cartel are you working for? Who is paying you to infiltrate the Guild?” He asked, his voice becoming more impatient with each question.
Frustration and anger burned in the mage’s chest and her green eyes narrowed. “We don’t work for anyone, we don’t wish to rob the Metals Guild of anything! We only want to speak to Lady Vulcan!” She explained.
Bear shook his head. “No you don’t…” He sighed. “Everyone wants something. Business is business… No one comes here just to talk, but I will tell Lord and Lady Vulcan what you have said. They will decide your fate.” He said in a disappointed tone and turned to leave.

(Some of the Guilds treasures thanks to @dwingsworld)

The sun rose on “Foothill Ridge,” a large village where workers from the foundry lived when not at work inside the mountain. People milled along the streets in their everyday routines preparing for their day among the massive crucibles and furnaces.
The city was nestled at the base of the mountain along a cliff edge, Like a fortress, Foothill Ridge was protected by the mountain itself on one side and a cliff face leading down to the sea on the other.
Allin Gold, the village leader, made his way to ‘The Tasty Tart,’ a vendor famous for its delectable pasties and breakfasts when he spied a strange looking bird in the distance. He stopped and stared up at the sky.
The small dark dot began to grow as the strange creature grew closer. Its wings were much longer than the central body and he noticed the tail feathers were not feathers at all, but a long tail ending in a spear like spike.
“It can’t be…” His eyes widened at the growing image and realized it was headed directly towards them.
“Mr. Gold?” A passerby asked in alarm. “Is that what it seems?” She asked.
But Allin did not answer, his eyes fixed on the approaching creature.
The long wings silently beat the air and the beast began to descend.
“By the gods!” He gasped. “It looks like a dragon!” He mumbled to himself.
The creature slowly banked towards the village and pitched down in a strafing run.
“DRAGON!” Allin yelled in fear.
The huge beast over flew the city just above the building tops, its shadow briefly turning the streets into night as it passed.
Onlookers spun in their tracks to watch the dragon pass overhead, but their hearts sank as it turned for another pass. Once again, the dragon lowered in altitude and hurtled towards them.
The people screamed and ran in all directions to escape what was to come.
An ear splitting roar added to the already chaotic din of the panicked citizens of the city as they scattered.
The dragon released a jet of flame and the ground just outside of the city exploded into a long deep smoldering scar. No buildings were harmed, no one was killed, but the warning was clear.
Allin was more frightened than ever before as the huge best landed before him with a menacing growl, his leather trousers darkening in the crotch and upper thighs.
All he could do was look up at the armored scales, horned head and angry blue eyes that were fixed on him alone.
“What do you want of us?” He cried. “We have done nothing!” He whined in protest, not sure the creature even understood his words.
The dragon lowered his head and growled and to his surprise and horror, spoke.
“Tell me where my friends are or suffer my wrath!” It said in a deep thunderous voice.

(Tarakona thanks to @slacker-stacker)

Wow, my friends it looks like the Guild may now know whats coming, but its gonna be really mad when it gets there!! Only one way to find out and that is to jump back here for next #piratesunday!!

Please make sure to check out the @stokjockey as his support of #piratesunday is amazing!!
Please check out @dixiesilverminer and the post that has inspired this pirate-verse right HERE
Make sure to check out the crafter of this tale on YouTube Slacker Stacker right HERE. Interestingly, the video this week features another character in our tale so make sure to take a look!!
Please upvote, resteem, and reply my friends!! Thanks you from Captain D and Slak-tor the Dragon Master!!

(Precious thanks to @silversaver888)

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