#piratesunday Captain K and the Foundry Part 7 by Slacker Stacker (@dixiesilverminer entry)

Arrr my friends welcome to the deck of the Silver Wing! Today is #piratesunday and that can mean only one thing; the Return of Captain K!! Last we left our heroes Slak Tor was rushing along with Bear and Tessaria were rushing to the security doors where Tarakona was burning his way into The Foundry. Will they stop this assault? Will Tarakona still attack in frustration? Will Lady Ravenhill and Sir Cornelius of Doggshire have to fight their way in? Will there be a feast around 7 pm? Let me turn it over to Slak Tor so he can shed some light on these question!!

If you missed any of the arc please check out these links:
The Foundry Part 1
The Foundry Part 2
The Foundry Part 3
The Foundry Part 4
The Foundry Part 5
The Foundry Part 6

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(Captain K thanks to @dixiesilverminer)

Slak Tor began to relax. Tarakona would see him and he would be able to talk his reptilian friend out of any further hostile actions when the large warrior suddenly spun and pulled the three of them together.

(Slak-Tor thanks to Slacker Stacker and @kerrislravenhill)

Tessaria gasped in surprise at the sudden movement and began to protest in being held in such a manner.
All he could see was one side of the warrior’s chest plate and felt a thick armored arm clamp about his shoulder.

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(Bears symbol thanks Slacker Stacker)

“Bear! What are you…” She began when she felt the dragon master suddenly squeeze her hand and she glanced towards him.
He could hear Tarakona taking in breath, the pitch slowly rising as he filled his great lungs. “Let me go!” He said urgently.
“I can’t let anything happen you you.” Bear answered in a low growl.
“Nothing will, if you let me go now!” He pleaded, releasing Tessaria’s hand fighting to escape the large man’s hold.
The vice like arm fell and Slak Tor instantly moved into the path of danger holding up a hand.
“Tarakona!” Slak Tor said sternly, but gently.
The dragon paused, then slowly exhaled, small jets of flame bathed the corridor in flickering orange light as it lowered its head. A low whine echoed through the hallway sounding almost like a question.


Tessaria wriggled free, shooting her captor an angry look and moved to join the dragon master, but Bear took her shoulder. “Not yet MyLady…: Whispered.
They watched as Slak Tor lowered his hand and made his way to the now cowering creature.
He began to stroke the dragon’s muzzle and pat it’s cheek.
“I am alive and well my son…” Tessaria and Bear could only hear his words reverberating off the walls of the tunnel.
The dragon nuzzled the dragon masters thin frame with its snout and grunted softly.
Slak Tor chuckled. “Easy! You will knock me off my feet!” He laughed.
Tarakona’s soft grunts became a rumbling growl.
“Yes, I am weak, but improving. My current state was a miscalculation and was not intended.”
A slit like pupil flicked in Bear’s direction and the large luminous eye narrowed and the growl became dangerous.
“He was doing his job. Protecting the island just like we protect the Captain’s ship. Lord and Lady Vulcan now listen to our pleas, we are quite safe.” He explained but sighed heavily as his newfound strength waned.
Taraknoa’s eye softened and he wined again.
Tessaria stepped forward despite Bear’s warnings and approached them.
Tarakona thundered a warning.
“No! She is a friend! She has come to help me!” Slak Tor said urgently.
Tarakona puffed through his nostrils and slowly lowered his head.
“Lady Tessaria, Its ok. Please…” He urged her to continue and held out a hand.
“Touchy isn’t he?” She asked cautiously.
“He is just protective. He won’t hurt you…” Slak Tor assured.
Slowly she made her way towards them but stopped in front the massive beast. She had heard the legends of such creatures, but never thought she would come face to face with one. To her people, they were one of the most powerful forces in nature to be revered and admired. However, at the moment, this one was angry and she was on the wrong side of its argument.
She gracefully and respectfully bowed. “I am Tessaria of Ithrendale.” She introduced herself in her silken voice. “I am a healer and wish only to help him, to give him strength to recover from our mistake.” She explained, but the dragon remained motionless except for its watchful eyes.

(Tessaria thanks to Slacker Stacker)

Moving to Slak Tor’s side, she took his hand.

Lady Ravenhill still held her drawn Katana in an attack position, but Tarakona barred their way into the tunnel with his outstretched wings.
Both had seen the dragon’s sides expand and shrink in a large inhale and exhale, but they could see and hear nothing.
“What do you think is going on in there?” She asked in an even tone.

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(Lady Ravenhill in Battle Gear thanks to @kerrislravenhill)

“I have no idea…’ Sir Cornelius answered truthfully, still holding his sword. “I wonder if he toasted everyone in the tunnel?”
“If he did, then why does he keep us out?” She asked. “After all, he brought us here to find Slak Tor after he cleared the gates.” She reminded.
Cornelius nodded and then lowered his sword. “Things have changed. There is no longer a threat.” He proclaimed sheathing his weapon.

(Sir Cornelius of Doggshire SOURCE

Ravenhill looked up at him raising one dark brow. “And, you know this how?”
“MyLady, Slak Tor has been a friend and ally in Dogshire for many years. I trust him and will die for him if need be.” He explained. “Tarakona did not trust me at first, only tolerated me because Slak Tor called me a friend.” He looked into her dark eyes. “When something scares the hell out of you and has the power to reduce you into ash at a moment’s notice, you tend to study its actions, moods, even the noises and expressions it makes. You watch closely to anticipate danger and learn to interpret your standing with the beast.” He grinned, but her expression did not change.
He sighed. “I know you consider me a loose cannon, one to be watched, a bit on the wild side!” He said with widened eyes and shaking his head in a spooky manner, then his expressoin became serious. “But, I am not stupid.” He added and pointed to the dragon’s posterior.
“Look at his tail…” He blurted. “Before it was thrashing all over, a weapon in itself, but now it is relaxed, just laying there.” He glanced back to her. “Something has calmed him down. The only one who could do that is Slak Tor himself.”

Lady Ravenhill studied the dragons posture and noticed the distinct difference.
“He is alive and well.” Cornelius assured. I am not as dumb as you think MyLady…” He chuckled.
“Agreed!” She said cheerfully placing the blade of her weapon in a gloved hand, sharply pulling it down to draw blood and sheathing it behind her back.
Cornelius smiled at the compliment. “Now the question is, why won’t Tarakona let us in?”

Slak Tor could feel the healing energy from Tessaria’s hand warm his body and instantly felt better.
“You see my son… They do not wish to harm us. The danger has passed and we now negotiate with the Vulcans to complete our mission.” He explained patting Tarakona’s muzzle. “We may already be in trouble for burning down their gate and will have to answer for that.”
The dragon whined and began to lift its head.
“Its ok… Its ok… I would have taken down a gate or two myself to help you. You know that…”
The dragon made a sound that resembled a short chirp.
“I must go back, deeper into the mountain, you won’t be able to hear me, but I will be safe.” He assured. “I need you to relax! Everything will be fine, stop fighting them. They can’t hurt you anyway and you only endanger me by making them angry. You understand?”
Tarakona growled but nodded.
“Good… Now wait outside and don’t incinerate any guards that come to watch you!” He chuckled.
Tarakona sighed with blast of hot breath and began to pull away.
“Slak Tor?” Tessa asked suddenly.
“My people have heard legends about dragons. They are highly revered in our culture. I have never seen one until now. Do you think I could touch him?” Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment for asking the question.
Slak Tor smiled. “Ask him!”
Her eyes widened at the thought, but noticed that the dragon had paused in his retreat.
“Tarkanoa… It would be an honor if…” She began slowly held out a hand. “May I?” She asked nervously.
The dragon moved forward again and rested its head on the stone floor.
She cautiously placed a hand on his muzzled and Tarakona closed his eyes.
Her heart swelled and she touched scales as hard as any steel yet warm with life. Moving her hand along his long snout, she could feel each scale pass under her palm and fingers. The natural armor rose and fell with each breath the creature took and stood a few moments burning the experience into her memory. She turned and beamed at Slak Tor for the opportunity to pet such a majestic creature and legend to her people. “Thank you…”
Slak Tor inclined his head and smiled.
She turned back to the dragon. “Thank you… I am so honored to have met you Tarakona.”

(Tarakona thanks to Slacker Stacker)

The large eyes opened, large black pools shrank to wide slits in the dim light.
“Why does he keep the entrance blocked?” Bear’s voice echoed in a curious tone.
“That’s a good question!” Slak Tor mumbled raising a brow. “Tarakona? Why are you blocking the passage with your wings?”
There was loud grunt and Tessa quickly pulled her hand away retaking her place by Slak Tor’s side.
“Others?” Slak Tor asked in surprise. “Who did you bring over here?” His tone was like asking a child what he had done now.
There was a silence and the dragon master nodded. “I see… Good thinking, but unnecessary. However, I do understand your choices.” He turned to the mountains head of security.
“It seems that Tarakona has brought others from our ship. He knew he himself could never fit into the mountain, so he brought others to search for my friends and I.”
Bear sighed and thought for a moment. “Will they attack if I let them in?”
“I don’t think so. They will be cautious for sure, but they only wish for the safety of my friends and myself.”
Bear motioned and several guards joined them. “Just in case you are wrong.” He explained as the men took a defensive stance. “Ok, let them in.”

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(Metals Guild Security SOURCE

Slak Tor turned back to Tarakona and the dragon once again backed away lowering his wings to open the entrance.
Sunlight poured in the now cleared portal and two dark figures could be seen approaching, nether held drawn weapons.
Slak Tor stood ready to greet his friends, Tessaria at his side and Bear hefted his mace should any problems arise.
“I would like to introduce Sir Cornelius of Dogshire and Lady Ravenhill, both members of our quest for Queen Savor.”
“Nice to meet you.” Bear said in a flat tone. “I am known as The Bear, head of security here and if everything has settled down for now?” He looked them over. “Lord and Lady Vulcan are waiting.”

(Vulcans Symbol thanks to @dwingsworld)

Blimey! What an amazing arc and thank heavens Slak Tor was able to sooth his sons worry; for the Foundrys sake! Don't worry as next #piratesunday will be smartly with us! The next chapter adventure of Captain K and his crew at The Foundry will arrive with it!! Slak Tor and I thank you for listening to this twisted tale!!
Please make sure to check out the @stokjockey as his support of #piratesunday is amazing!!
Please check out @dixiesilverminer and the post that has inspired this pirate-verse right HERE
Also make sure to check out their amazing website right HERE
Make sure to check out the crafter of this tale on YouTube Slacker Stacker right HERE
Please upvote, resteem, and reply my friends!! Thank to you from Captain D and Slak-tor the Dragon Master!!

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(Precious Thanks to @silversaver888)

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