SteemShorts: Collaborative Short Stories


SteemShorts: Collaborative Short Stories

We would like to propose the creation of short stories on the STEEM blockchain: SteemShorts.

Each SteemShort will be written by 3 different authors and illustrated by one artist/photographer.

The process to create each SteemShort will be in 4 posts, in 3 to 4 weeks.

  • Post # 1: request for summaries of first part of a SteemShort
    Authors will send in comments a summary of the beginning of the SteemShort, in 100 to 200 words.
    It is expected that this first part of the SteemShort will be sufficiently open-ended to not constraint too much the rest of the story, that will be written by different authors.
    The author chosen for this first part will be the one that has the largest number of upvotes to its proposal comment, four days after the post (request for summaries).
    The post will be updated to announce the chosen author, who will be expected to submit the first part of the story in 500 to 1,500 words.

  • Post # 2: Publication of the first part of the story and request for summaries for the middle part.
    Similar to Post # 1, authors will send in comments a summary of the middle part of the SteemShort in 100 to 200 words, with the same process to choose the author.
    This middle part should also be sufficiently open-ended as to not constraint too much the authors of the final part.
    The author of the first part will not be allowed to submit a proposal for this middle part.
    The author chosen will be expected to submit their part in 500 to 1,500 words.

  • Post # 3: Publication of the middle part of the story and request for summaries for the final part.
    Similar process: authors will submit summaries in comments of 100 to 200 words. The actual author will be chosen 4 days after the post and will be expected to submit their part in 500 to 1,500 words.
    The authors of the first and middle parts will not be allowed to submit proposals for the final part.

  • Post # 4: Publication of the story (3 parts) and request for titles and illustrations.
    In comments, the three authors will propose a title for the SteemShort. The final title will be the one that has received the most upvotes.
    Also, proposals for illustrations for the SteemShort will be sent in comments. Illustrations should have a minimum of 1,000 pixels in one of the two dimensions.
    The chosen illustration will be the ones with the most upvote 4 days after the post.

Each author or illustrator will need to agree for a copyright "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike" (

Authors and illustrators will be rewarded the standard @adsactly reward for their authors: 50% of the SBDs, capped at 100 SBDs.

An author chosen for a part of SteemShort # n will not be allowed to submit a proposal for the same part for SteemShorts # n+1 and # n+2. However, they may submit proposals for the other parts.

Example: The chosen author for the beginning of SteemShort # 1 will not be allowed to submit a proposal the beginnings for SteemShort # 2 and SteemShort # 3.
But, they will be allowed to submit proposals for the other parts of Steemshort # 2 or # 3 and for the beginning of SteemShort # 4 and later.

We will post the request for the SteemShort # 1 in a few days.

Authored by: @vcelier

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