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Announcing Mythsterhood of the Travelling Tales

Within the depths of a great pool of ink, a woman’s voice began to whisper about dragons.

Then another. And another.

They found each other in the darkness and merged into a single beast to explore their obsession and rose from the ink with shining scales and strong wings to carry them throughout the world.

The beast retained its three heads, each snapping at different aspects of mythology. How do similar creatures keep showing up in vastly different cultures? How have these creatures changed over time? What roles do they fulfill in our modern world? These are just some of the questions driving the Mythsterhood of the Travelling Tales.

Like the Hydra of Greek lore, our teeth can raise the dead, bringing lost skeletons back to life for an episode or two. But unlike our hydra-friend, we’re not guarding the door to the underworld. No. We’re blasting it wide open, and asking you to come explore with us.

Mythsterhood of the Travelling Tales will spread its tentacles across multiple media but our main focus lies with the blog, podcast, and community. Our first season will center around dragons, but over time, we'll be tackling different themes within mythology and folklore.

While preparing for our launch, some time around the summer solstice, we'll be sharing all kinds of draconic goodness on our social media accounts to warm up your taste buds.

Stay tuned, Mythsters!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
If you would like to read some of my other work, feel free to have a look around on my off-Steem blog page by clicking the banner.

As a writer, finding the right community–the right tribe–makes all the difference.

For me, that’s the INKubator. I’m one of the admins there, and I have to say I’ve never been more proud of something I helped build, than I am of the INKubator.

We help each other improve, lovingly drown each other’s drafts in red ink, and help each other brainstorm.

But we’re more than a writing club. We’re a family. We root for each other as we submit pieces for various publication venues.
We cheer and join in victory dances when a piece is accepted. We support each other through the disappointment of the inevitable rejections.

We hang out, playing as hard as we work, and from the madness of our conversations, more stories are born.

As a community, we span the globe, with members from Asia, Australia, Europe and the US, so chances are there will be someone there if you should decide to drop in.

If we’re quiet, that’s because we’re writing.

If you love writing, we’d love to meet you! Click on the banner below to pay us a visit.