Smart Drugs Is this the world's most powerful Brain Boost?

Welcome To The Future - The use of a legal drug known as BrainPlus studied IQ has skyrocketed in college campuses across the United States, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and among professional athletes since returning to the market in April. It is being touted as a replacement for Adderall, and many students are taking full advantage of their availability to buy online without prescription.

There has been much controversy about this pill to improve memory, not just on college campuses, but also in the media. Initially it became the center of attention when the film Limitless became a blockbuster and several blogs began to compare it with BrainPlus IQ. IQ BrainPlus sales tripled overnight as students, athletes, entrepreneurs and business executives, everyone wanted to get their hands on this powerful brain enhancer.

"My ability to think and concentrate has reached more than doubled since I could buy BrainPlus IQ again. The return of the pill prevented to leave the university. "

BrainPlus IQ, which has no side effects reported in any clinical trial, it soon became the target of critics who claimed he was too powerful to be sold without a prescription. Other people in academic circles insisted that BrainPlus IQ provided an artificial advantage for its users which was unfair to those who were not taking. This led to it was banned in the quiz and also many prestigious universities. Facing external pressure, the creators of IQ BrainPlus were finally forced to stop production of the pills without limits.

Fortunately, after legal disputes and demonstration of clinical studies proving their safety, prohibition to sell online was lifted quickly and IQ BrainPlus creators were able to resume selling its website ( ) . His reappearance has excited users worldwide - the people who really suffered during his absence. "My ability to think and concentrate has reached more than doubled since I could buy BrainPlus IQ again. The return of the pill prevented to leave the university , " he told a student of pre-medicine.

He tried it ourselves - so dazzling?
With so much praise from the media and countless comments from people who experience success using BrainPlus IQ, we at reviews on Supplemental Health wanted to see if this was so dazzling. Almost all people who were in our building volunteered to try it but we chose our Health and Science Editor, Warren Carter. Then your opinion after using BrainPlus IQ over a period of 4 weeks displayed.

My Results - 4 Weeks IQ Taking BrainPlus

week One

Buy a bottle of BrainPlus IQ proved more difficult than he had imagined. He was exhausted on its website almost immediately after returning to the market. Some Ebay sellers were asking $ 300 for only 1 Bottle! That's too much money for me. Finally I secured a couple of bottles to normal price after waiting 2 long weeks until they could have them back in stock.

About 30 minutes after taking the first pill, I felt the effects. It started with a friendly wave of calm and tranquility that gripped my whole body like a warm blanket. Mental fog and stress he had been carrying disappeared instantly. Soon, I reached a level of attention and concentration that I had never experienced before. I could not even record the sounds. It was like walking in a winter day after it had snowed. I found it easy to ignore distractions and outside noises. Best of all, I did not suffer any of the negative side effects that do I have when I take Adderall.

week Two

I was a little worried that BrainPlus IQ would stop working after a week. Not at all. I feel even more concentrated and more energetic than before. After a day working 10 hours, my energy levels were still high, and was focused and determined to finish all the tasks of the day. BrainPlus IQ improved my concentration and my ability to function, and did absolutely no change in my diet, exercise or work schedule. My results were only for taking BrainPlus IQ.

week Three

BrainPlus IQ effects are still with me, and I am very happy with the number of items on my to-do list that were crossed out. Previously, he had trouble starting and completing tasks. BrainPlus IQ has me with the concentration of a laser at work, and I am suddenly able to complete tasks before moving on to others. I realized that all week I was not stressed almost never, and I could control my emotions without losing concentration. I expected to stay out of steam around the third week because my body would become used to the ingredients. But my energy levels have not dropped at all. These are stable throughout the day.

week Four

I got the nickname "Superman" in the office, since I have become the most productive member of the team. I give all the credit to BrainPlus IQ. The medicine has worked so well this week as he had done in previous weeks. My mind is clear and I can remember stored memories with almost perfect precision. It's amazing how much has changed everything in just 4 weeks. It does not mean that I became a genius overnight after taking BrainPlus IQ, but definitely improved my memory and speed that process the new information. #trending

In conclusion

In the past 4 weeks, I found myself jumping out of bed like a spring, sometimes even before my alarm was activated because he could not wait to take BrainPlus IQ. What used to bother me was no longer a problem. I almost did not feel stressed and when I did, I was able to control my emotions and return to peak performance.

One thing I did not expect was the feeling of euphoria I felt when I work while taking BrainPlus IQ. As a result, I have enjoyed my work a lot more and my mood has greatly improved. In fact, my co-workers tease me for walking with a permanent smile on my face.

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