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Issue 25- Super Themes! TV Edition!

Issue 25- Super Themes! TV Edition!

Ok, this issue I have a lot more themes to play with. A lot more to be honest so I’m going to once again to try and limit this to one theme song per franchise because there's been how many X-Men based shows between live action and animated? At least eight by now right?

And while the Batman TAS opening was bad-ass, it basically used the Tim Burton theme so that one really doesn’t count for the purposes of this article but if you read my favorite animated shows article I think you’ll notice some overlap. So sit down, get some popcorn and enjoy my favorite TV superhero themes!


(Also, you will notice that I found I used a certain word way too many times in this article after I started editing. Which one? Continue reading to find out my shame!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987)

Of course this had to be here! While it might not be the best incarnation of the heroes in a half-shelf, this is the one that has the most memorable theme. Hell, most if not all the future shows at least reference this theme at some point.

The music kicks off with some fast, furious synth music and just keeps going, introducing the characters and getting you ready for an awesome show...which to be honest, usually never reached the heights or the animation quality of the opening.

Still, the opening theme is bad-ass and everyone remember the lyrics!

(Donatello DOES do machines! Also, I used Bad-Ass twice thus far...three time if you count this...)

Wonder Woman (1975)

For Dc’s inclusion on this list there was just so many I could choose from. The Justice League opening? Superman TAS? Teen Titans? The Adam West Batman? Gah so many but if I had to choose, I have to go back to the 70’s and get the fun and inspirational Wonder Woman Theme.

Honestly, Dc really does do better than Marvel when it deals with tv shows, and I have always been more of a Marvel fanboy as you know.

But just listen to this 70’s inspired theme which actually shows off not only how bad-ass Wondy is, but how she’ll change hearts as well as minds. Oh, and how she’ll kick the asses of Nazis. That’s important too!

(Just the right amount of cheese mixed with a heaping helping of sincerity! That's 5 uses of that word now...)

The Tick (1994)

This might be a sort of a crazy choice but I honestly really love the opening to the Tick’s first animated outing.

Mixing a bit of jazz, a slight hint of Noir, and a lot of just incomprehensible vocals together, you get a strange, but fun opening that certainly matches the show it was made for. Make sure to check out the show and the opening if you haven't.

(Now everyone, remember this has the greatest catchphrase of all time. SPOOON!)

Power Rangers (1993)

Once again, we’re going back to the first incarnation of a show to showcase an iconic theme. here we have another theme that would either be reused or remixed for future installments. And let’s face it, the song was so much better than the show it introduced.

The Power Ranger’s theme rock theme got you ready for action. With a cool guitar riff opening and catchy lyrics, this theme was needed to make what was a very cheesy Americanized super sentei series much cooler than it should have been.

I’ve also included the full version of the theme song below for those of you who may not have heard the full version. Take a listen!

(Go Go to the toy store! Also, I refrained from using ...THAT word again! WOO!)

X-Men (1992)

Yes, I’m biased. X-Men was my favorite show as a kid and while Batman TAS had a better theme, this is the opening that still stands out in my mind.

Done entirely orchestral, and probably through synth, the opening to this amazing series was and still is one of my favorite theme songs of all time. This was my Saturday morning theme of choice.

There’s really not much more to say then this is my favorite opening theme of any superhero show. It was Bad-ass!

(Also make sure to check out the Japanese openings of this series, they were pretty cool as well. And damn it, almost finished without using it again!)

Sadly I’ve got some bad news. After dealing with a bad summer bug I’m going to have to take a little hiatus. Being sick doesn’t exactly help with the writing and with fall classes coming, my release schedule is going to get a bit slower but don’t worry, I’ll be back every so often with more comic-y goodness! Until then, Excelsior!

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