What Is Your #2020 Vision?

2020 Vision...what does that mean for you? It seems like a rather loaded question, doesn't it?

It's a bold statement in a way. It forces you to think of what your life mission is; what your passion is. What is your "why"? How can you make a difference in the world?


2020 Vision is a common statement we have been seeing. It has been on social media & online the past several weeks as we all anticipated the start of the new year 2020, as well as a new decade. It almost had this mystical element to it. A lot of us entered this year full of hope & renewed faith; even ones who haven't felt that in awhile.

Realizing materialistic possessions & social conditioning no longer seems relevant, a lot of us look at this decade as a new start, a clean slate. The world is slowly awakening to a higher purpose.


This past decade has been a life defining one for me. As I look back, I barely recognize who I was. A shadow of my old self, I am happy with the growth I have been through. Going through so many life experiences changed me. Healing from old wounds & scars of an abusive relationship, finding love again & getting married, becoming widowed, & then had my spiritual awakening.

I discovered my passions for the stock market & the #Steem blockchain. It led me to amazing people, who were driven & as intent on changing the world in their own ways. Community is EVERYTHING. I was blessed enough to find that both business-wise & personally.

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2018 changed my life once again as I fought for my life in the hospital & almost lost. But like a phoenix rising out of the ashes, I won that battle.

Feeling incredibly blessed, I went on a path to help others realize their self worth & give them hope. My passion for oracle card readings & video content creation (in which the Pixie Post was born) grew. The connection I have with Spirit & the mystery of what's behind the veil propelled me in my life direction. It led me to even more amazing, beautiful people who have so much potential, both realized & unrealized.

#CTPTalk inspired ;)

Every experience was beautiful, painful or life changing. It allowed me to expand & grow as a person. It made me realize that these things weren't happening to me, they were happening for me. My eyes were opened to so much in the world; so much beauty, so much energy & so much love. It made me realize we are all connected & we are all here for a reason. We have a purpose. But it's up to us to figure it out for ourselves.

If you are on a path you don't like right now, that's okay. This is the time to breathe & know you can start again. I did it. So can you. There's never an end to the journey. There's always growing, always learning. But that light inside of you will light the way.


So, I ask again - what is your focus? What is your mission? What is your 2020 Vision?

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