New Reward Edition Cards!

The Season and Daily Quest Rewards will now switch from Beta edition booster packs to the New Reward Edition Cards!

The Reward Edition cards will look like, and be worth the same amount of XP as the Beta edition cards. They will have the same rarities, gold foil versions, and require the same amount of cards to be combined to reach each level as the Beta edition cards.

New Season Rewards:

Bronze III = 5 cards
Bronze II = 10 cards
Bronze I = 15 cards
Silver III = 20 cards
Silver II = 25 cards
Silver I = 30 cards
Gold III = 35 cards
Gold II = 40 cards
Gold I = 45 cards
Diamond III = 50 cards
Diamond II = 65 cards
Diamond I = 80 cards
Champion III = 100 cards
Champion II = 125 cards
Champion I = 150 cards

The daily quest rewards will now also scale up based on your league. This means that players who have reached the Champion league will earn more cards from their daily quests than players in the Diamond league, who will earn more than players in the Gold league, and so on.

New Daily Quest Rewards:

Bronze - 1 card
Silver - 5 cards
Gold - 10 cards
Diamond - 15 cards
Champion - 20 cards

New Ability - Swiftness
Friendly Monsters have increased Speed.

New Ability - Strengthen
Friendly Monsters have increased Health.

New Ability - Silence
Reduces the Magic Attack of all enemy Monsters.

New Ability - Divine Shield
The first time the Monster takes damage it is ignored.

New Ability - Life Leech
Monster's health increases each time it damages
an enemy Monster's health in proportion to the damage dealt.

New Ability - Double Strike
Monster attacks twice each round.

Thank you for your continued support!

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