Still in Gold II!

Compared to the last three seasons where I surprisingly easily breezed through the Gold III and Gold II leagues, this season I can't seem to move forward and has been stuck in the Gold II leagues for days now. XD


I don't consider this as a bad thing though as I usually earn more DEC staying in the Gold III or Gold II leagues rather than in the Diamond leagues mostly because there is a higher chance of being matched up with a beast opponent in-a-row in those leagues.

As a matter of fact, out of the 29 ranked matches that I played today I won 18 matches. A win-rate of around 62% which is wayyyy higher than my usual win-rate.


As for my daily quest rewards for today it was in one word "Sad". XD I did get an Essence Orb two days ago though so I'll just think that this is the game's way of trying to balance out my rewards but it still is very sad to look at the rewards below. XD


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