Why is the Winds of Change Collection considered Promo cards?

When browsing the market or your card stack on Steemmonsters you can easily find cards you are searching for by applying various filters. I use the card edition filters very often. It makes it easier to find the cards I need to attend to after having been through a booster opening frenzy which gives me new Beta cards or after a season ending with a lot of new reward cards.

What has been nagging at me from the beginning, though, is the Winds of Change collection.

It simply merges into one category with the (actual) promo cards handed out at special events (like the SEEDGerminator campaign) or the ultra rare Archmage Arius. 

In my understanding orbs are like a series of packs and each series of packs should have their own card category. You may argue that the Wind of Changes collection is too small for that, but what if we used the same approach as with the reward cards with a changing set of cards continually being added to the collection? This way there could be the following categories:

  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Orb
  • Promo
  • Reward
  • Untamed

The next orb card series (after the current one sold out) could join the small Winds of Change collection in the "Orb" category. This way the cards would be in perfect order and nobody would have to wonder why cards that can simply be bought from 'packs' are considered Promo.

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