Steemmonsters Full Season Earnings Report

I tracked my Steemmonsters earnings for a week a while back (See Post) which made the entire game experience more even more enjoyable for me. So this time I decided to do it all season long...

I still play 2 accounts. The value of my main account is around 300$ with all but 1 summoner at level 5, while that of my alt account is worth around 100$ with all summoners at level 3. I tend to play them both at the same time and try to complete the quests each day (I only missed 1 of those on my alt account).

Reward Card Values / Earnings

Doing the daily quests is generally worth the effort as you always have the chance to get one of the rarer valuable cards. This was the case this season getting an epic gold Daria Dragonscale summoner worth 15.85$! I also managed to get 1 Legendary Sacred Unicorn and some gold cards. So overall I can't complain at all when it came down to the card rewards last season. in total, I managed to get 227 Reward Cards during the 15 day season. My main ~300$ account received 137 with the cards having a total value of 23.55$. My 100$ Alternative account received 90 cards good for 12.862$. (I did not have any potions whatsoever when revealing the reward cards)

Total Season Reward Card Earnings: 36.277$

Dark Energy Crystals Earnings (DEC)

I love the Dard Energy Crystal system that allows you to earn them by winning games. It did make me get a lot more Gold cards on my 2nd account as they are are not all that expensive when playing level 3 summoners to boost my Dec earnings a bit. I also received a +7% Dec bonus for being part of the Dec Hunters Guild. (Also thanks to some friends/guild members for having some useful cards leased out to me which certainly helps to get these results)
AccountDec Earned$ Value
Main Account ~300$7639 DEC6.707$
Alt Account ~100$5042 DEC4.427$
Total12681 DEC11.134$

I do enjoy the process of building my collection and getting higher up in the rankings (or at least remain where I am). I'm usually not all that willing to spend money on things like this, but Steemmonsters did succeed in this which makes me very much believe it can grow a lot bigger. Right now I continue to hold on to the reward cards and use the DEC I earn to buy cards I need to get stronger. Next time I will probably do an earnings report of an entire month of playing Steemmonsters.

If you want to try out the game feel free to use my Affiliat link and I will make sure to help you get started by leasing some usefull cards which will give an edge in tyhe early stages of the game.

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