You know you should apologies. Steemletters - (Letter 1)

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" At bottom you are sure shall apologize to a few people - or any, at least. And maybe you've wondered whether work or if someone would hear you, or even if it would make sense "apologize from nothing after so long," for example. All this can go through your head and it's normal, but remember one thing: it's never too late to apologize to someone.

Saying sorry is an attitude that makes you giant. Giving up a possible pride to get back well with that person, it is something that will only help your life to be better. And within that one, there are many things involved beyond just one case, a dating or an ex. There are also your friends and family.

In the tranquility of having a love beside you, you can forget who was always there with you: your friends and family. Starting with your friends. And there are a thousand factors that influence it. You know someone, for example, who did not like them. And then you want to keep peace in the days and chose to stay away from your friends to stay close to your love. It goes through your mind that "your friends can wait for you" because you have to live this love. It goes through the head, but it goes wrong. And then you begin to ignore all the people who were part of his life just because someone new arrived - and that can go away at any time. You get to defer commitments, exclude social networking, stop caring and often reach the point of "find hidden" just because who's dating you do not get along with your friends for some reason. Again, for some reason, there are so many.

Well, it is clear that you should apologize to your friends. Because you know well that if this story all your end, it is for them that you will resort; You know that no one understands you and makes you just as well; You know that all the other thousand times you needed, it was they who were there. So please apologize to your friends. Lower guard and this pride and say you know what should be said. They, as always, will understand you.

Now your family. Be annoying reason for the family is one of the worst sorrows of the world. They who gave you life, a house and everything necessary for you to get where you are today. Soon they who sacrificed themselves to see you well. Soon they who, in one way or another, will always be blood of your blood. It is unfair that you cultivate a bad mood with your family. And understand, I know that they often irritate too, want to control and treat you you "like a child", but DAMN, they are your family, they NEVER, I repeat, NEVER will want your evil. Understand and realize how much you owe for your family to be there right now reading this text. If you have not for apology them continue not having reasons.

In general, we should always apologize if we feel that we make mistakes. Can be parents, the boss, a friend and a person who lived a story with us. You know that someone who was disappointed with you? One who has done everything for you but you not appreciated? Often unintentionally? After all, have it at that time, you could be living a blind phase and understood that it was the right thing to do. But what about today? So long after? Should you not apologize just to sleep more peacefully? This person does not expect anything from you and this is the advantage of lowering the pride and apologize, it makes you someone with power of life and stands you in the crowd. Exactly the same works for who kisses you mouth today: how you can offend who you say you love and do not apologize? You realize it's not about making mistakes, but about making mistakes and not try to fix it?

Apologize today. Send a message. Call the chat. Make an appointment. Write a letter or email. Do something, but do it. Do not throw out your life who always helped you stand. Apologize to your friends no matter how small the reason, apologize to your love for worse may be the reason. Do not be who you hate. Prefer to resolve. Do not worry about fancy words, only with the heart. Say No to wait to accept, say because you know you need to say.

You know that an apology, just have no idea of the good life will make you if you apologize. "

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