Budgeting When You are Flat Broke


As a formerly broke person, I understand the struggle of making it check to check. I ran out of money days before my paycheck arrived, and have many examples of having nothing to show for my hard work.

How does a broke person begin to budget, save and insulate himself from life's emergencies? I had to start with the basics.

Part 1. You have a problem

If you're broke, there is a problem. Be it excessive spending, a lack of income or something deeper, something needs to change.

Part 2. Investigate

What are you doing to break your bank? Check all your transactions and find out if you have unused subscriptions, late fees, if you eat out too much and more. Do you buy coffee everyday? Do you eat out every night at a restaurant? Can you cut out expensive bar tabs? Be honest and take your time.

Part 3. Cut out the fat

Stop your overspending. Examine every bill and subscription you pay. Call your billing companies and see if you can reduce bill amounts using autopay or paperless.

Part 4. Keep working at it

Keep working to increase your income and reduce your outflow of cash.

Hope this helps. I am on a journey to financial independence. It is slow but sure.

Picture from Pixabay.

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