Would you like a piece of land to share creations in steem themed Steemland?

On your own land you may share links to your blog/posts with any pictures you like. Maybe have a group meeting or presentation. Steemland is thinking of offering virtual land in the virtual world of YrGrid to take part. You may visit to play games or participate in an event, meeting, presentation or anything else anyone may create! Anyone owning land may receive a part of bitcoin and/or STEEM generated from Steemland as a whole. So Steemland will be a place to share resources and wealth. Some resources and tools that are steem(it) related are there already. When someone visits Steemland anyone may click on pictures of resources and tools they are interested in such as ones listed on steemtools.com. In the 3D environment of the virtual world anyone may visit as a 3D avatar and look at all these pictures as they would walking around in the real world in their neighborhood or a store. This may be good for people who are visual learners or just better for observing and absorbing information in some cases.

Currently Steemland is on a quarter of a sim that is being rented. If enough people are interested purchasing a full sim will be considered. Objects in the virtual world may be programmed to simulate things. There will be objects like billboards that anyone may click on that they like that they see and want more information. Then the user may receive a notecard with more information and/or be redirected to steemit web pages for example.

Steemland rewards visitors with blocks of STEEM for clicking on pictures they like and visiting the steemit related web pages. Over time everyone will receive STEEM for the STEEM blocks they have collected. Maybe tutorials may be set up to help educate people about steem and how to use it and find inforamtion from the many websites out there in regards to many things like mining, being a witness, blogging, curation, voting, and so on.

YrGrid Virtual World - Account Creation & Viewer Download Links

Please feel free to comment your thoughts and interests. Anyone may also comment with their YrGrid name if they have or choose to create an avatar account with any First and Last name chosen that is available as a user name which requires a first and last name. YrGrid has viewers for Windows and Mac. Radegast offers a lighter weight viewer which may be better for some users and also runs on Linux. Please note that virtual worlds require more RAM memory and better graphic cards than everyone has.

YrGrid website
YrGrid SignUp / Create an account
YrGrid virtual world viewer downloads
YrGrid website login
Radegast - Lightweight client for connecting to virtual worlds
Radegast Download
YrGrid - General Questions
YrGrid - Avatar & Appearance
YrGrid - Creations & Inventory
YrGrid - Payments & Cashouts

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