What is Peace?

Peace this is simply a state of calmness of mind, free from any sort of violence


Can you establish the relationship between peace and living ?

Peace being a state of calmness of mind and also being free form any sort of violence is what everyone should try to acquire and maintain in the day to day activities of life, living in Harmony is as a result of Love and love is not just feelings but choice. Living in peace brings about unity, In unity all goals is Achievable in life.
So, Peace and living correlate

Is there any principle or the principles that guides one to peaceful living?

There are principles guiding peaceful living.
But the major one which covers all is , Understandings
It's quite unfortunate that most people those understand themselves let alone of understanding another person. Before you understand yourself, you must know much about yourself. This is where temperaments comes in, know your strength and weakness, then live to use your strength to overcome your weakenesses.
The fact is that even married ones don't understand this and which have led to many divorce.
When you know and understand people, no behaviour of them will catch you unawares and you will be able to Tolerate them well.

Can you please give us some certain principles that can help us have a peaceful living?

1. Imperfection 💜...
You must be able and ready to accept people around you as an imperfect being who can make mistakes and trespass against you at anytime. "No one is perfect although we are moving towards perfection everyday.

2. Maturity💙
Secondly, You must be ready to forgive people around you and not to behave to them in such a way that shows that you are retaliating.

You must have the Spirit to Correct People who does things you don't like, but you have to correct in Love and this depict your level of maturity. What they did may be Ordinary or normal to them but which you don't like. Just let them know you dislike it.

3. Know your Partner🧡
Ability to communicate correctness
As I've said earlier on! Understandings covers everything
Relate with people the way they want you to relate with them, and not the way you think you should relate with them
When you have this in mind always, then what you need to do is to study them well. Then you will live peacefully with them
In relationship, it is very vital to know the likes and the dislikes of the other person and must be ready to abide by them, Do the likes, avoid the dislikes.

Peaceful living enhances good health, when you are at peace with people around you, You find help and support easily, It's also a Good reputation, and it distinguishes The level of mentality and maturity.

And what are suppose to be the short or long term goal or plan of a relationship or marriage?

Things you ought to aim at in every relationship or Marriage

  1. A Peaceful home ( Marriage life)./ Also Peaceful courtship.
  2. Total Love.

We can plan this by

  1. Understanding oneself and also understanding ones partner
  2. Readiness to make the relationship work.
  3. Avoid third parties in your relationship.
  4. Protect and cover the weaknesses of your partner especially in Public
  5. Make sure God is Involved in your relationship.

In most cases, people with opposite temperament attracts each other, And which brings about differences, That is Extrovert+Introvert. In such cases, Respect the strength of your partner and Help cover and build their weakenesses.
Appreciate your partner always

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