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The Gorkha Palace

Hello everybody, welcome back to my blog. I have written a brand new article related to the Gorkha palace. Hope you like it.
Everybody loves to visit new places and capture the memories with them. Visiting new places not only refresh your mind but infact, widen your vision and so on. You get engaged in collecting the information

It was the during the end of summer in 2017, I decided to have a visit to a new place. I have no idea where to visit. One of my friend asked me to visit The Gorkha Durbar as it is historically important as well as it has awesome archeological structures. And then I decided to have a visit.
#Location: Gorkha Durbar is situated in the Gorkha district of Nepal, 131 Km far from the capital city Kathmandu, at an altitude of about 1135m.
#Facts found: The palace was built during the 16th Century which was based on Newari architecture. The palace was built at the top of hill so as to have a eye of enemy and the home of late King Prithvi Narayan Shah. It is said he was able to conquer only the land he had stepped on as blessing from the teacher. Many people believed that the line carved on the rock shows the way to the heaven and the one who manages to find the way to the end of line without losing track, closing the eyes will reach heaven after death. Moreover, the Kalika temple
built by King Prithvi Narayan Shah plays significant role along with the palace to lure visitors and pilgrims. The sculptures around the palace gives alot of information about the history. They have preserved the room where King Prithvi Narayan Shah was born. The Gorkha Kalika Temple opens till 12 pm and closes on forward. No one is allowed to have a look at goddess of Gorkha Kalika .
Statue of Ram Shah

The Gorkha meuseum also reflects the history of the locality. The artifacts are worth studying for the pupil as well as readers.
The buildings were made using the frame structures along with the timber. The wooden crafts were made at locality.

When I visited the area the visitors werenot allowed to enter the the structures. The palace was being maintained because of the impacts of earthquake, which shaked the the locality, that was reported to be occured at local time of 11:56 am, GMT + 5:45 with the magnitude of 7.8 richter . The intensity was so high that it effected Nepal, China, India and Bangladesh.

The local people have overcome the fear of earthquake and started their daily routine afterwarth.

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