The Steemit Name Challenge - @theaustrianguy (ENG)

Hey guys,

Since @reggaemuffin kinda nominated me for this challenge in the comments under his post, I will write a few things about my name too.

Before I start, let me quickly rewind the rules so that everybody who reads this is aware of what it is about:

1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
2. Tell us your real name!
3. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
4. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
5. Nominate 5 people for this challenge

Ok, guess we can do most of this :)

(1.) When I discovered Steemit back in June 2017, I wanted to start an anonymous blog - so my real name and my user names from other platforms like poker were no option. Since I didn't find much Austrian content back then (might have been to the bad search function as well) and I wanted to focus on the beauty of our country mainly, I went with @theaustrianguy.

The name obviously also is the reason behind my self-designed (yes, I know, bad GIMP Skills 😅) logo.

steem-coin Kopie.png

The background color behind the STEEM sign in the colors of the Austrian flag was taken so the logo would fit smoothly into my old cover image (also self designed - already better GIMP Skills 😜)


However last fall a very talented girl from Vienna, @lianaakobian, arrived on Steemit. And since her art skills are far superior comapared to mine, I talked her into making me a new cover image. Guess there is no need to argue that the new one is far better! :)

theaustrianguy Kopie.jpg

But that's a good thing for all you designers and logo creators out there - I want a new logo/avatar soon - And there will be a contest with sweet prizes for that. So if you have ideas and some spare time, you already can start thinking about it - See this little hint as a present to my royal readers who read this sentence ;)

(2.) My real Name is Martin, no secret about that :) The rest of my name is not of importance 😜

(3.) Even though my recent activities are far away (in a positive way) from my original plan when joining this platform, I still see no need to change my name. What comes in great is the short form @taug - it sounds cool (at least I think so) and it fits prefect for short-content accounts like @steepshot and @zappl. And who knows what the future will offer for
(4.) Ok, we can do that ;)

(5.) I guess most of the people around me already have been nominated, however I will just go with the ones I really want to know: @jedigeiss (my partner when it comes down to the D-A-CH Discord Server and the weekly meetups - I still have no clue why he calls himself Jedigeiss^^), @rivalzzz ((thx for the lines btw.!) - maybe because he always was a rival of his twin @louis88 - my third nomination), @boddhisattva (he makes interesting reports about curation in #deutsch - But what is his name about? 🧐) and, last but not least, @shaka (one of the top german curators with a name that could be out of a fantasy game - But he doesn't seem to be a gamer 🤓)

Guess we are done now - It was fun and I hope my early call for logo designers will have a positive impact on the upcoming contest! That way this post is also at least a little bit useful - Since there were no big surprises about my name I guess :P

Good night,

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