How far The Steemit name Challenge has come


Happy Wednesday for all my followers and new Steemians who have joined us today to our community.

I was absent for so long that I really missed writing for you, so here I am again and want to tell you about the challenge I started off last week.

This is the post that started all

I wanted to check out which was the result of this challenge and honestly, I’m shocked and happy to see how far this post has come, so thank you for being part of this challenge and helping spread the word to the Steemit world.

Well, this is a small curation post where I try to rescue the most of the writings I could read about this challenge. It’s been 12 days since the moment this challenge saw daylight and I counted until the moment of this post 85 Steemians who were part of this funny challenge. Besides the posts I commented, these were the posts I reviewed given the few time I’ve had this week, so let’s check it out:

@hitmeasap created his username looking for a connection with his clients as he works as a freelancer.

@enginewitty reflects in his username that ingenuity moves every single fiber in his body

@jeline’s usename is formed by her real name and 2 nicknames, an excellent mix of personality

@coolguy123 gave life to his username thanks to his friend who said he was always cool – and Gmail who helped him give his current identity

@thekitchenfairy shows us through her username the passions who move her life: fairies and cooking – what a delicious combination!

@vheobong: royalty and beauty in one single word

@korexe Thank you for nominating yourself in this challenge! His username is the best result of his real name after so many twists

@olawalium: Chemistry and love boosts his life in order to spread the love wherever he goes

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@kekegist: he goes in his keke growing up on Steemit

@oredebby is a very cool mix of her middle and last names

@happycrazycon: - in her first step to the digital world, she found a way to express how she is

@poeticsnake combined loved for snakes, coming from Leviathan, and poetry. You know what? I also love Leviathan… so powerful, isn’t it?

@melvadg was convinced by @enrique89 of being part of our platform; she carries her son’s name in her username, good to know it. She also nominated herself, so thank you for spreading the word into our mother tongue - Spanish.

@catweasel: This silly challenge made my day through your story! Come for me! =D

@patrice, this was a very easy and funny way to tell us about her username

@preparedwombat is the guy who will help us survive in post apocalypse

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@ilhuna – My dear, we have the same passion for Moon and Universe, yeaahh!!

@thebugiq is a restless guy who wants all of us to be ok

@awolesigideon – another Nigerian royalty name mix, glad to read it!

@dreemsteem – there’s to pay attention to daydreems (not daydreams) so that one day he/she reveals us his/her real name hehehe

@topktop wrote a mega post where she covered 3 challenges in 1 writing, telling us about her love for kpop (this is the first time I ever heard about this term)

@earthmother is the person who loves nature and Earth more than any of us

@mistermercury – The messenger of Steemit community is among us, representing power and good fortune, great tattoo btw!

@crisangel Besides his real name (Angel), the first half of his username is one of the most meaningful explanations I’ve ever read: Commitment – Respect – Integrity – Solidarity

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@phelimint is the same name as his company, a hit created with his mate.

@snook – Darling, let’s say thank you to your son for such wonderful username full of joy and happiness (yes, it really is!)

@mikesthoughts – Always saying what he really thinks and showing us his essence!

@nahupuku – the dinosaur he created will go along with him to the grave!

@acidyo - We should say thanks to your friend who always forgot your name!

@anomadsould – Thank you for nominating yourself to this challenge. I think this is the best name that represents what you want to do with travelling.

@tarazkp – I also love weird names and last names ‘cause my last names aren’t common in my country and my wife has a really weird first name. Your daughter is very beautiful!!

@buzzbeergeek I love beer too! This was a funny way to create your username and thanks to life that you discovered Steemit for you to have another income source! Cheers!

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@emrebeyler, @richardcrill, @seablue, @shadowspub, @sircork, @crazybgadventure, @battleaxe, @carrieallen, @emjoe, @fishyculture, @c0ff33a, @saffisara, @snowpea, @fiftysixnorth and the rest of Steemians who participated in this challenge… Thank you for letting us know a bit more about you!!

I know this challenge will keep growing up more and more, so I’ll be reading the most posts I can ‘cause I love knowing more about you.

Thank you for reading and see you in my next post!

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