Steemit User Manual - Journeyman's Guide - Some additional tips to posting and using steemit beyond the basics

If you have the basics down and want to know some more tips. I am making a second post. This will not focus on using the money, markets, or buying more steem power with steem dollars. Links to where you can learn those things can all be found at the end of my other Steemit User Manual post I made for beginners yesterday. Today is September 4th, 2016.

Source: @carlos-cabeza


The focus of this guide will be on the following:

  • and what it can do for you
  • Sprucing up posts using html instead of markdown
  • - finding those odd references

These are definitely not the only things. You can find a growing number of them at These are however, the ones that I wanted to cover in detail in this guide.


You are now very aware of and the fact as it acts as a TV to let you tune into the steem blockchain. There are other tools and sites that also look at the blockchain. One particularly useful one is

Notice at the top of the browser it says

To use simply change the word steemit in that url to steemd.

Your screen will change to something like the above.

This shows all of the actions you have taken on your account and it shows you actions others have taken on your account. It also shows your current % of voting power. In my screen my @chaospoet account currently is at 96.6327% voting power.

Every time you vote it reduces that %. Your voted become less an less effective. This prevents people from spam voting and is necessary for curation to actually work. Your % will regenerate over time that you do not vote.

You will also see that it shows that @chaospoet has 0.855m Vests. You will hear people throw the term vest around from time to time. This is what they are talking about. On steemd your steem power is represented as a different number which is vests. How vested are you in the steem endeavor?

steemit logo by @carlos-cabeza
I switched to on my @dwinblood account as I did have someone flag one of my posts today, which fortunately doesn't happen very often. It is an opportunity to show you what that looks like.

By once again changing steemit in the url to steemd you can deep dive into some information about the post. Specifically it shows you the name of every person that up voted your post, and it also shows you the name of anyone that flagged you.

This is a good point to talk about flagging etiquette.

I cannot dictate to you how you use the flag. I recommend you ONLY use it for plagiarism, spam, and abusive posts. If you use it for anything other than that then you are turning it into a weapon and creating a hostile environment. There really is no reason to FLAG a post you disagree with. Simply don't vote on it and move on.

That is my opinion and you are welcome to disagree with me. Many people do. That is how I will be operating.

Sprucing up posts with html

I have been using HTML since way before markdown existed. I am no expert at markdown. Myself and quite a few others instead use html inside of our posts as we write them. Some of us (myself included) actually use a hybrid where we use html for some parts and markdown for others. I tend to use markdown for bold, italics, and italicized bold and that's about it. The rest I do with HTML. So let's show you how you can use HTML if you like.

I am going to use screen captures to show you the HTML as I typed it into the box and you can see the preview below to see what that html did.

Hopefully these html techniques assist you in adding some liveliness to your posts.

Various tools have search engines and the official site taps into google. These are not particularly useful in helping you really dig into steem and find certain things. made by @kaptainkrayola and built on top of the nodejs api that he is working on with @fabian is getting better and better all of the time. I am sure with our feedback and support it will continue to improve. It is currently my favorite steem search engine.

The results are good and getting absolutely better every time I come to see what new thing has been added.

This is actually a very informative site. I use it to see how I am doing in various categories as I use steem. It is named steemwhales, but in reality it is useful for showing information about all of us. @heimindanger is the author of the site.

It shows a lot of information about all of us. Do you notice the little grey icon to the right of some of the users. That indicates those accounts are in powering down mode. (Converting steem power to steem at a rate of 1% per week.)

Try putting in your own account name with out the @ symbol and press return. You may need to scroll to find yourself.

This is showing that @chaospoet is currently ranked #3650 for estimated_value of accounts. Try something interesting, try clicking on the word Rep at the top of the Rep column.

Then type your account name in again and press return.

@chaospoet is ranked #857 in reputation. Quite a bit different from estimated value. Playing with these columns and seeing where you rank in various areas can be interesting. You can also see how you are doing when you perform well, or have some event happen.

This is what will show you if you actually click on a user's name.


If you get very involved in the community invariably you are going to want to create an account at You can have realtime communication with community members. You can ask for help, you can promote posts (without spending SBD), and you can collaborate and discuss ideas. If you don't need help you can offer it to others. is authored by @riverhead.

On the left is the list of channels you can be in. You can also join or create channels there. I am not going to go into details on how to use this site as it is fairly self explanatory. I will tell you a couple of things you likely need to know.

Do not tag a comment as @all as it notifies all people in the channel and if they have audio queues on it can be quite annoying. It can get you some hate heading your direction. Feel free to tag a specific person if you need their attention, but do avoid using @all.

Channels you should consider joining:
postpromotion-moderated - you can post links to your posts to share with other people. Don't spam this channel.
postpromotion-other-only - you can post links to other posts that you did not author that you want to bring to the attention of the channel.
steemitabuse-classic - if you need to report plagiarism, abuse, etc this channel has a lot of the community that pursue such actions in it. This includes @anyx who is the author of the cheetah bot which believe it or not is keeping your spam and such way lower than it was before it existed. is not directly affiliated with steemit. You can be muted by moderators, and other actions taken on this site.


If you want to use community members sites and need a place to host the images you wish to use in your posts you can find a good home for them at It works well, and it is operated by @blueorgy.

I was using for my images prior to discovering so I still mostly use that. I have however, tested and it works similarly and is a great place to put images. You would also be supporting a community member's efforts.

Closing words

I hope this tutorial is useful to you. This is by means not all there is out there. This is just intermediate material and things I have found useful that I thought other people might be finding useful.

Steem on!

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