Hello Steemit I'm D Wing!

Hey everyone out there in the village of Steemville, in the county of Steemshire, in the country of Steembabwa. Welcome to D Wing's World, a small corner of the giant country that we all inhabit. I have been on Steemit about a month now and realized I have not properly introduced myself to all my fellow citizens so I will throw a little bit about myself out there to you guys.
I am a 30 something man with a great family and wonderful appreciation for all things that are handmade or require a skill to construct. I find that this is because I can see all the steps and work that go into making something from nothing. I have interesting in many areas but I will outline a few here.
I have always loved looking at the way markets and commerce work. Seeing what types of items people are interested in and why fascinates me and I love trying to guess what is going to happen next.

Treasure Hunting:
I think we all have the fantasy as a kid of finding pirate treasure or perhaps some long lost historical artifact. This has lead me down so many roads from learning about gold mining, shipwrecks, silver, gold, coinage, and metal detecting. My love of mysteries and trying to find answers make this very addictive hence the youtube and steemit channels I know have.

I love the story of where we come from or why we do something. These stories are links to the passions, fears, and reasons we grow expand or die out, and I love to see all the potential we have hidden within ourselves coming out in our myths and folklore. It is truly amazing what lies inside us all.
This comes back to the handmade items idea. I love looking at a mantle or a column and knowing 90 years ago a made put his soul into this piece in order to make such a beautiful whole. In one piece of wood you can see a mans love, livlihood, and skills on display.
Precious Metals:
My grandparents taught me what silver was when I was very young using 90% silver. This has stuck with me as I grew and I learned more about gold and other metals. The true value locked within these is something that I relish and love to hold within my hand.

Black Smithing:
I love this skill and want to learn how to do it one day (might add silver pouring to this). I think it is awesome to start with a piece of metal and slowly bring out the purpose and beauty within it.
Also, hoping to get my certification in as one day I will dive the Atocha wreck site off the coast of Key West Flordia!

Well that is about all I can think of sharing right now, but please reply and ask. As long as it is not too crazy I will throw knowledge your way. Thanks for stopping by and please upvote, resteem, and reply!! I also have a YouTube channel which you can find by searching dwingsworld.

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