A Simple Way Of Teaching Children Tolerance

Hello everyone,,,How are you today?

Teaching children about religious tolerance among people and respecting differences can begin with simple ways from home.

Some things we can do to teach children tolerance

  1. Love
    Show the child that your love is unconditional. Show your love and respect, even to people who are different from you. Show a sense of love also to yourself (eg by not constantly commenting that you are fat, your curly hair is ugly), and let the children see that you are not judging anyone.

  2. Grow children's confidence
    Children who look positively themselves tend to look at others positively. They do not easily feel threatened if others are different from her. Happy and respectfully treated children also tend to treat others with respect. Children who are comfortable with themselves also prefer to explore and do not hesitate to argue healthily.


  3. Do not like to judge others negatively
    We live in a world that is not perfect. Nobody is perfect. Anyone from any tribe, and from any religion can make mistakes. Hold yourself to comment on the differences (race, ethnicity, religion) with the wrong things they do. Thus the child learns from you to always forgive and appreciate the difference.

  4. Respect the Family Tradition and Learn Another Tradition
    Celebrate the tradition in your family with joy and respect. Discuss the meaning of the tradition for you and your family. Try exploring other traditions, other holidays, outside your comfort zone. Encourage children to notice how different traditions and festivals give meaning to the perpetrators.

  5. Select and Split Media for Kids
    Without us knowing, the media watched, read, and heard the children also participate provide input on stereotypes, equality, and respect to others.
    parents need to be keen to read the implied messages of the storyline, characterizations, dialogue or point of view of the media enjoyed by the child. Nevertheless, the world can not be sterile from anything that goes against the value of your family. Again, the habit of discussion becomes the key.


When parents encourage tolerance in their children, talk about family values ​​and model behavior and speeches that show that we respect everyone, children will follow in our footsteps.

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