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Playing at driving range.

Sunday morning when Luan woke up he had this wonderful feeling that something was going to happen to him, he just could not think for a moment what. 

Then suddenly he remembered after church they were going to the driving range for him to try out his golf clubs. 

He got up started putting his church clothes on, and when finished he went to breakfast. His parents were already there and they were all dressed for church. 

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His mother gave him a napkin so he can eat his food without messing on his clothes. 

They all left for church and Luan said I am so glad to go with you today to see the driving range father. 

So am I son but more important we must first go and say thank you to God for all he is giving us, as well as the little baby we are waiting for. 

That is so true father we do have so much to be thankful for. I see children at school who always look unhappy. I so wish they could feel like us. 

His father told him, everyone can be happy you must just live the way you are supposed to. 

You should always care about people. When school start try and see if you can make friends with these children, and you might find out you can help them in some way. 

Once you find out what their problem is you can always come and tell me, and we can see if we can help them. 

Oh father that is such a wonderful idea. I will really love to help them. 

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They stopped at the church and went inside. It was always so nice to listen and sing in church. He loved it just as much as he loved being with his family. 

After church they went home and mother started their Sunday lunch. 

Luan changed and grabbed his golf clubs. His father could not help laughing at him, can you still remember what the reverend told us today in church. 

Oh yes he said that we must love our neighbour like we love ourselves. He also explained that the nearest person to you at the time was your neighbour. It is not just family and people living next to you. Ok son I am very glad you listened let us be off to the driving range. 

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When they got there Luan’s father bought a bucket of balls for them to hit. He first took only one bucket as he wanted to teach Luan how to hit. 

Dad this is very nice but how far must I hit the ball, if I can hit it. That was because he was scared of missing the ball. Don’t worry about that son we will work it out by club number so just trust me. 

They walked to the driving range and his father showed him how to stand and how to hit. To his surprise Luan hit like a pro, he laughed and said why were you so worried love you are going to be a natural. 

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They really enjoyed their morning, but Luan’s dad said we cannot let you play on the golf course before you know all your clubs. Next time we come we will start putting and see how you go. 

They left and went home. 

Something does smell very nice, your mother, really make good food, I don’t even have to be hungry to eat her food. 

Luan ran into the house and said to his mother, dad says I did very well and he was very impressed with me. 

That is so good Luan, now  go and wash your hands and come and lay the table for me please. 

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He did that and they all sat talking waiting for the food to finish and his mother was knitting something for the baby. 

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Oh mother this look so small, will the baby be that small, his mother smiled and said yes you were just as small.

When everything was ready, they had lunch cleaned up and Luan went to visit his friends in the forest. 

His mother said you saw that I bought you a lot of bananas for your monkeys. I did see, and was wondering why you bought so many. 

Then his parents went to their room to have a nice rest and chat on their own and Luan went to the forest. 

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He only realised how much he had missed it once he got there. It seemed like all the animals were waiting for him and he even brought some carrots for the bunnies. 

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The monkeys had started working their way nearer to the water so they were not so far anymore. He could not help laughing as he was thinking they want to know if I have bananas in my bag. 

He was looking around at this beautiful place and started scattering the bananas. He knew by now that the bigger ones grab them all and do not give any to the smaller ones. 

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He sat next to the river and the bunnies also came nearer to see if there was something for them. 

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One of the rabbits looked at him funny when he did not have anymore carrots, he just smiled as he would bring more next time. The rabbit looked as if he was saying something to him.

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He always felt so peaceful sitting here and realised this was such a wonderful life he had to be thankful for. When it started getting a bit dark, he went home and his mother and father were sitting outside having a glass of wine for his father and his mother was drinking orange juice. He went and fetched a cool drink for himself and joined them. Some of his parents best friends were there as well.

It had been a wonderful day for all. 

Luan and I will see you tomorrow if you still want to read our story. Thank you to all that is following me and have a wonderful day from me. 
