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It came as a shock to the whole house when the last born of the house said she was no longer interested in schooling. While the issue was still tensed in the house, I stumbled over an article that says "a child educated in school is an uneducated child". I began to ponder on this and this made more interested in knowing more about education.

It is true that been educated wasn't something that was achieved through textbooks alone or that you are a brilliant student is because you passed a test. This crude method of students memorizing facts and cramming only to download it for the teacher during a test or exam and then forgetting about them a week later. Please what good does that do?

A wise man named Howard Gardner came up with the theory of multiple intelligence. He said that there are auditory learners, Kinesthetics learners, people that learn through touch, people that learn through stories.

We have people with different gifts, talents,strengths and skills but it is so absurd and very annoying to wake up to the fact that our educational system is one that one type of learning is preferred. An educational system whereby both willing and unwilling students come to class, the teacher comes in, tells them what he is expecting from them in the test and comes back to administer the test and then the student with the highest score is pronounced the best student.
Common this is not only unfair but also heartbreaking because this system is only sacrificing the God-given abilities of a student and the good of the world. My dear country has zeroed our minds to the fact that if you are not a first class student, there is nothing for you. They have made it even worse to the extent that an artisan who took sweat and pains in learning what he loves doing but was unable to go through the four walls of a prison called school, then nothing for that individual. Not everybody is born to be a scholar.

At a point in my life, I saw my self like an outcast amongst my siblings because I was the first person to ever repeat a class. Been the first born of the house, I only saw my self as a disappointment to my parents and family as a whole but I never gave up. Just because you fail a test doesn't mean you are "dull", " not smart" or "slow". Just because you are having a hard time understanding something doesn't mean it's impossible because there are no bad students, only inflexible teachers and sometimes our parents fault. When I repeated a class, I was a science student in SS1 back then.

Several times, I cried home to dad telling him that I no longer want to be a science student but he kept telling me that science is the best but he did not understand that I was not coping. My teacher was not also helping matters at all. He made me look like I was a dull student but he failed to understand that I was not meant for that class.

When I realised that these guys where not helping my life, I decided to take the bull by the horn. I changed from been a science student Into the Art world where I knew deeply was my calling. I am a person who talks and write a lot and this makes the calculation world a whole lot of hell for me. Although I never told my parents that I switched but till today I don't regret my action. I graduated with a first class from mass communication and I am currently running my masters right now. You could imagine a once tagged "dull" student becoming an excellent master's holder. Nobody is slow but the secret is you must figure out how you learn and learn everything you can about what you love and
I promise life will become a lot easier
Above this, i made my little sister realise that matter what,