
For everyone, we have looked at evaluating our Christian walk via personal illumination and application.

Today, we are looking at personal review.
"God opens up our destinies to us phase by phase." Therefore its by our choice.

Isaiah 28:10 KJV ‘For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:’
It is therefore important for you to understand the seasons of your vision per time because life comes in phases. Understanding comes when you sit down to review performance.

The world is full of issues that need answers but the answers are packaged in people. The answer to the famine was packaged in Joseph (Gen 41:8,25-37).

If you don’t constantly review your life you won’t know what question in your world you are sent here to answer. Therefore create a platform to review progress with a view to make changes if necessary.

Do not allow things to come to you by chance. Be like God. After every stage of creation, God reviewed what He had done, saw that it was good and then He moved on to the next phase!(Gen 1:1- 31).

Effective evaluation:

  • Go through a checklist of what must be done before you start each day.

  • Designate one day of the week where you review or appraise your activities for that week and plan the next.

  • Ask questions of yourself and from others on how well you managed your time, how well you related with others and so on.

  • Note, as you review, write! It is popularly said that ‘The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory!’.

As you embrace these simple words, your path will continue to shine brighter and brighter like sun, in Jesus Name. Stay blessed!!!!.

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