Introduce My Self to Steemians!

Hi! I am Christine Marie Sobusa but you can call me Siti Aishah, I am 34 years old and currently residing in Manila, Philippines.

Let me tell you a brief story about my life from childhood to present.

During childhood I used to stay with my family and relatives only, I'm not used to go out and play with others. But during teenage days, that was the time I started to see the world.

Being teenager, I also experienced the what we called "Puppy Love". At 14 years of age, I thought that First Relationship will be the Last, but I was wrong.

I realized that it was only the first journey in our life...

I graduated in College with Associate Degree in Computer Technology.

I worked as a Processing Officer for five years and Liaison Officer for one year in manning agency in Philippines which deploys Filipino Seafarers worldwide.

I got married at year 2010 and we are blessed with two lovely children.

I thought our marriage will last forever but because CHAOS came in our relationship.... The love and marriage ended.

We tried so hard to to save the marriage for the sake of our children but we realized that it is better for both of us to separate lives.

When I got problem with my marriage, I felt lost. Then, that was the time I started to lost direction. Some told me that I Don't have Sense of Direction because I haven't think before I do something.

No Sense Of Direction!!! Go here and there without thinking...

Year 2010, I went to Kuching, Malaysia and I stayed with my friend for 1 month only to unwind.

Year 2013, I went to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Singapore with my friend just doing part-time job then I'm back to Philippines again after two months.

Year 2015, I went to Daegu, South Korea and worked in a factory with my cousin, our friend who works there as a Manager helped us to work part-time till our tourist visa expired.

An then again, from South Korea, I went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia again to work with my friend in a western restaurant with a Filipina employer married to Chinesse.

Then lastly, my employer introduced to me her bestfriend, I met someone that changed my life. He gives me strength and courage to live my life to the fullest.
My faith and beliefs in life becomes more stronger.

I met a man who showed God to me and made me feel that God is within me, that I still have direction in life and it is worth to live in this world.

We've been in a relationship...

He is a Malaysian and Muslim. He introduced Islam to me, I converted to Islam with all my heart year 2015 then we got married at the same year.

Not easy for me to convert in Islam because all of my family and relatives are Roman Catholic and I am the one and only Muslim in the family. I am blessed and happy because my family respects and accepted my decision.

I stayed two years in Malaysia. Before I get back to Philippines, I got pregnant.
I'm back home last 2017 and we our blessed with a lovely baby girl last year June 2017.

And now...I'm doing freelance job online at home so I can earn while taking care of my kids.

I admit that I was being too stubborn before...But now I realized that Life is short and we must spend our life worthy not only for ourselves but mostly for others.

I am happy to be part of this community and become one of steemians, I want to learn a lot and hope I can share my thoughts also to others.

I would like to thank @iwrite for mentoring me and for his patience.
I am very blessed and thankful to have him as my mentor.

Thanks and more power to Steemit Diversify Team!

Thank you for your time reading about my life...

*Photo Credits
All photos are mine

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