The Steemit Digest Program, Activities and the Problems We Want to Solve

The digest concept was derived from the Reader's Digest family magazine which consists good reads about health, food, advices, tips, culture, stories, jokes, games, contests, shops, science and technology, and any other interesting stuff. We aim to build a curation trail, a sort of an added force inside the Steemit community to help maintain its integrity.

Steemit Digest is a miner, but we mine undervalued posts.

Steemit Digest Activities will start soon...

We post daily blog in a magazine format. In each blog, we feature 10 best articles found on each day of curation and gives a sort of applause or a token of appreciation to the featured authors of the day. By doing so, it helps them (the users/authors) boost their morale and optimism.

The Steemit Digest participants are getting in touch with each other via Discord Chat. We are just polishing the web projects, the prizes and what else to offer in the future. Anyone is encouraged to join and promote their stuff.

The Problems We Want to Solve

The coverage of the graphs illustrated below is from 2017/15 (15th week of 2017) to 2018/24 (24th week of 2018) which includes all dates from April 14, 2017 to June 18, 2018.

Source: Steemit weekly stats report courtesy of @penguinpablo.


These are the number of posts per week (including comments) within the specified timeline. Looking back from the 15th week of 2017, posts per week doesn't reach above 20K until the numbers went nuts and made up to 1.9 million posts in the 3rd week of 2018. The total posts made for the 24th week of July is 935,614.


But this graph shows the comparison of the average number of posts and the comments per post. Notice that since the 43rd week of 2017 (October 23-29, 2017 to be specific), the average number of posts per week outnumbered the average comments of each posts per week until the time of this writing.

Does it mean that our words and voices aren't powerful in Steemit anymore?

These numbers don't mean that at all, and there are actually many factors that causes these results. Let's just say that there's so much things happening in the Steem ecosystem which actually benefited its economy but as a consequence, it decreased the number of posts engagements big time and have been decreasing the regular newcomer's chances to earn from their posts.


The role of the Steemit Digest is to promote educational and other good stuff by posting blogs. But Steemit Digest was also established from concern. Many web developers are able to create programs or other platforms using the Steem blockchain because it is open-source. Don't be confused, there's nothing much fraud about them that i know (aside from phishing) because the blockchain is safely encrypted and inaccessible to everyone. These programs actually benefit the economy and popularity of Steem.

My concern is that these external platforms are incorporated with Steemit. Their regular users attack the Steemit news feed with their irrelevant posts, spams, and non-Steemit junks in a very high volume. This is the primary reason why many good posts are being overlooked by active curators and Steemit was ditched by many frustrated bloggers.

Talking about larger scale of communities, Steemit fortunately has @curie, @minnowbooster, and the @minnowsupport program with much dedicated people on it. If you are a minnow and you are reading this, check these out. subdomain has been created to promote Steemit. This account wasn't made for business; it is an initiative. The Steemit Digest author earns money from creating his Steemit posts and from his website's traffic and nothing more.

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