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What is Self-Love?




What is Self-Love? Is it about buying gifts or pamper our 'self'? Self-love is beyond than that. You know that you have Self-Love when you begin to respect your Self. And that respect is not just about your principle, or about who you are but it is also about your body, your space, your emotions and everything in your Life.

Self-love is not something you need to search because it is always in you. However, to experience Love for oneself, you need to know how to be with YOU. To experience this, you must be willing to spend time alone in your own space. Don't get me wrong about being introvert or isolate yourself as a sign of depression. This is the opposite of that. Self-love is a process of discovering your Self.

When you are in your own space, your own aura, all you have is you, your mind, your emotions and your body. And all these are not separated but instead, they dance together. To be with your Self can be overwhelming for many people. That is because we are not familiar with our own dance.

Self-Love is indeed your own music, and dance is an expression of it.

When you have Self-Love towards your self; you then can love and accept others without experiencing suffering. That is because you know your dance, and you get to know other people's dance. You either dance together emitting love or you fall trying to dance other people's music.

Love Your Self First, No Matter What!


Photo was taken in The Curve. I was laughing when I saw that.
And don't try me. Instead, dance along with me!


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Thank you for reading, I hope this can shed some lights on your journey!
Blessing to you all.

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