We all believe in second chances, but a second chance does not exist here on Steemit


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We only have one chance to live our lives.  What ever we do in our lives, reflects upon our lives forever.  Some religions however believe that we get a second chance with reincarnation.  

 Reincarnation is the philosophical or  religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a  different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also  called rebirth or transmigration, and is a part of the Saṃsāra doctrine  of cyclic existence. 

Even though I live my life the way that I want to, and I am a happy and content person, I do believe in second chances.  People that gets healed from cancer, gets a second chance in life. People that are in horrifying accidents gets a second chance if they survive.  They suddenly start living.

Except here on Steemit.  I did a previous post on EQ and IQ that I will regret for the rest of my life.  I have been doing research about the EQ topic for quite a few months now.  I have been editing books for the last 6 months and I do have quite a lot of information regarding this topic.  When I decided to write about this topic, it was natural that I would use some of this information as reference.  It was not my intention to plagiarize anything. After @pfunk mentioned that the content that was used came from the internet, I edited the post.  It was not my intention to disregard the comment or to prove it wrong, but I was then branded as a scammer and everything I post now is being flagged down.  Even the original posts afterwards were down voted.  I would like to sincerely apologize for this, and up to now my personal intention is not to harm anyone.  Steemit has given me hope for life.  I am inclined to being depressed, and since I have started here on Steemit, I have felt more alive than I have in years.  I have even stopped my anti-depressants.  Needless to say, after this whole issue, I have started drinking my meds again this morning.  

I am quite new to Steemit, and if I did not have the Raw Html format to work on, I would probably not be writing so many posts or even have any pictures in my posts  as I don't know how to add them:) I have had a lot of guidance from my friends on the Steemit platform on how to do certain things in my posts, and even though they are not all perfect and the pics are not the right sizes, they are still mine.  

I am being flagged down for everything.  I have apologized on the  #steemitabuse-appeals and I have apologized on  #steemitabuse-classic 

@pfunk is doing everything to bring me down.  I was branded as a scammer.   

 scammer -  a  person who swindles you  by  means  of  deception  or  fraud chiseler, chiseller, defrauder, grifter, swindler, gouger card shark, card sharp, card sharper, cardsharp, cardsharper, sharper, sharpie, sharpy -  a  professional card player who makes  a  living  by  cheating  at  card games clip artist -  a  swindler who fleeces the victim con artist, con man, confidence man -  a  swindler who exploits the confidence  of  his victim beguiler, cheater, deceiver, trickster, slicker, cheat -  someone who leads you  to  believe something that  is  not true welcher, welsher -  someone who swindles you  by  not repaying  a  debt  or  wager.

I wrote another post after this post https://steemit.com/life/@serioustruth/we-all-have-to-die

No one is able to read this post however as @pfunk is targeting me and flagging all my content. This has resulted in  series of other things happening and me being banned by @cheetah

I do not even know how this works!  I just feel that it is totally wrong that one person can decide someone's fate here on Steemit.  We all make mistakes.  We are just human.  I have apologized and sent a personal message to @pfunk, but I was ignored.  

I do not want anyone to lose any reputation points through my error.  If I do not comment on your posts, then it is not because I don't want to, I am actually protecting you now.  I have loved my time here on Steemit and I would LOVE to be able to get back to writing as soon as possible.  


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I am really not a scammer.  Everyone deserves a second chance.  Please reconsider this and let me get back to my life. I know that you are just trying to keep Steemit clean, but making one mistake should not cause all this trouble.  

I will appreciate your comments.  

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