Why I removed all my posts!


My story with STEEM started from the very beginning, I created the photography category in the first days posting was open, back then there was no reward or anything, but still I posted some photography because I like it and I liked to share it here, everyone liked it back then from the devs to the big guys no one was complaining about it, they thought it was good for the image of STEEM to have diversity in the posts. None of the photography I posted was my own, but I’m a long time photography enthusiast and I have an eye for it and know where to get good photography with credits. I did what I do out of love for photography and this project.

Months passed, all was OK, then after STEEM went big, things started to change, aggressive people started to show up out of nowhere trying to dictate what I can and cannot post, trying to bully me out of posting photography and videos I liked with all kind of claims, from copyright complete non sense claims, to plagiarism to content not being original and all kind of excuses. But the real reason is jealousy and envy, those people thought that they can also determine how much a post can get, they did not like it that I got votes and they did not.

I tried to explain my point of view, tried to reason with those people but nothing could be done, their hate was blinding them, and they were determined I should abide to their orders and be a good citizen.

This weekend things escalated, I have been slandered, defamed, threatened in posts and also in the slack police channel. I tried to respect people and discuss in a civilized way, but my fate was sealed.

I made a photography post today, in which I only posted my own text, and public domain photos, but it was too late, it was blindly down voted to oblivion by the blind hearted people and reported as plagiarism as well.

Worst is I was slandered again in the slack channel after coming to a gentlemen’s agreement with them, and some hateful people even contacted ned to un-vote one of my video posts he had voted for (which he did obviously because I’m the bad guy now, not like the old days!), they also contacted some of the people voting for my posts to stop doing it which they complied to under pressure.

Where was it written that only original content can be posted?

Who has the right to decide how much reward a post can get?

Who are you to tell people how to vote?

This place is starting to get worse than Reddit, with thought police, mod squads, astroturfing and fear mongering.

Finally, I would like to defend those of us who like to post stuff they like, even if they did not make it, it’s a right we have by all laws of the universe. This place will turn into a compilation of mugshots, and low quality content and articles if it is forbidden to also allow external content, it cannot survive!

Thank you for making me hate a place I once loved!

#steemitabuse #photography #steemit #steemabuseabuse

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