Cupping attainable power prehistoric? Michael Phelps also cupping.Tao of Chinese medicine cupping articles.(拔罐能获洪荒之力?菲尔普斯也拔罐,中医之道拔罐篇)

---- In recent days, the Rio Olympic swimming fierce battle going on.American swimmer Michael Phelps just an appearance,To get worldwide attention immediately.But this time, the focus of attention, but different from the past, that is behind him, at the shoulders that obvious cupping mark.Cupping is now very popular in the United States swim team.Where Phelps is cupping enthusiasts.Some netizens joked that Phelps won power by cupping prehistoric, gains his first 19 medals.What are some benefits of cupping so touted.

---- Possible cause 1: negative role in promoting the elimination of inflammation
Cupping principle is to fill the jar of hot air, and then affixed to the skin surface to form a sealed environment, with the cooling of the air tank, thermal expansion and contraction of the skin formed suction. In addition to traditional fire cupping, suction cupping also consistent principle.
The reason why athletes can really feel the "ease muscle soreness" effect, under no sufficient evidence, presumably the negative pressure, causing the skin broken capillaries, causing tissue reconstruction, thereby contributing to the elimination of inflammation. In addition, cupping there are certain psychological comfort effect.

---- Possible cause 2: Chinese pop, western suit
Cupping, only the first is commonly used in the rehabilitation of athletes in China. In fact, all levels of Chinese sports team doctor reason to use this method of physical therapy for athletes, mainly because they are basically Chinese medicine orthopedics or sports medicine professional background.
In addition to cupping, they will use a variety of physical techniques, such as massage, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, and other Chinese hot, they believe in the training or the end of the game, these methods can help athletes relax, relieve muscle tension, fatigue, promote physical recovery.
Chinese team with the US team a look, but also try to follow. American doctor in the international medical circle has one of the best sports authority, personal advocacy role plus super sports star is too strong, then cupping naturally brought to the "popular" front.

----The benefits of cupping
(1) by cupping, can body moisture, cold, tissue penetration through the skin out, thereby eliminating evil, let the spirit of times.
(2) because the body's meridians, acupuncture points and organs are connected to the same, so by external suction will stimulate points on the body surface, and then through the meridians bones, so that the corresponding internal organs conditioning, makes blood flow, physical Fitness.
(3) For the body of local tissue damage, and other symptoms of lumbar disc herniation, cupping also have a certain effect, long-term regular cupping, can relieve pain, relieve symptoms.

----What color cupping after representatives
(1) while the dark purple black print tank: Usually indicates insufficiency, poor passing phenomenon there is blood stasis.
(2) cans and accompanied by the issuance of purple patch: Usually expressed Hanning blood stasis syndrome.
(3) printed cans were scattered purple dots, and to a depth indicating stagnation of qi and blood stasis syndrome.
(4) red and brilliant Indian tank: Usually indicates deficiency, blood deficiency or wang.
(5) cans printed red and dark: that high blood lipids, and hot evil.
(6) Indian gray tank, touch not warm, mostly Deficiency or dampness.
(7) cans printed surface striae or slightly itchy: Feng Xie expressed or eczema.
(8) the inner wall of the tank water gas: indicates that the site has a moisture.
(9) cans India blisters, indicating the body humid, if there is blood in the blister is heat toxin response.

----Cupping risk, cupping will produce the following side effects:
Mild discomfort; burn, scald; abrasions; skin infections.
----The following people must not go cupping:
Pregnant or menstruating women; people satiated after; cancer patients prone to metastasis; fracture occurred and muscle spasms; deep vein thrombosis or arterial ulcers and superficial parts of the body.

----Cupping of 4 Mistakes

Myth #1: bath after cupping
Many people like to take a bath after cupping pull End, this would be very comfortable, in fact, doing so it is not correct. Because this time the skin is in a very fragile state, then a bath is likely to cause skin breakdown, inflammation. Especially cold baths, because this time the pores of the skin is in the open position, so it is easy to catch cold. (Note: Summer sweat more, preferably before cupping take a bath, the body dry, so as not to affect the adsorption cupping.)
Recommendation: The correct bath time is 1 to 2 hours after cupping. After cupping keep warm bath water temperature should be slightly higher.

Myth # 2: Stubbs was the longer the better
Many people believe that the longer the cupping time, the effect will be better, even think to pull out blisters in order to reflect the effect of cupping, in fact, this is wrong. Because cupping pull them too long, blisters may occur, it will not only hurt the skin, may also cause skin infections.
Recommendation: The correct cupping time should be 10 to 15 minutes. If the body is not good for the elderly or children, the time should be halved.

Myth # 3: the same position repeatedly pull
First you do not succeed to pull twice, repeatedly pulling the same position that in order to remove the effect. In fact, doing so will cause damage to the skin, such as redness, broken ...... it more harm than good.
Recommendation: cupping, you can pull in more than one location in order to increase therapeutic effect.

Myth # 4: pull the chest, stomach
Many people think: Where uncomfortable to pull me where. Stomach pain or chest discomfort, I'll pull the stomach, pulling the chest. In fact, this is wrong. General cupping is best not to pull the chest and stomach, because it is pulling no scientific basis.
Recommendation: We usually cupping position is mainly the waist, back, shoulders.

----Children can cupping it?
In fact, children can cupping, because children's delicate skin, so cupping time not too long.
Cupping is also good for children, especially in poor physical child, usually in the back pull cupping can improve immunity. Cupping for children, we should have a good time, in order to pull the skin redness appropriate. But when there is not suitable for blood diseases, skin swelling, sores and other skin damage cupping, with thrombocytopenic purpura children also prohibited cupping. Blistering pull too long, the application disinfected needle to pierce the blister, after disinfection with povidone-iodine gauze bandage to prevent infection.
Cupping is one of the traditional Chinese medicine treatment means. Children delicate organs, body functions fragile, low resistance to disease, if improper maintenance, susceptibility to colds, coughs, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases; children's fragile stomach, spleen and stomach function is not perfect, easy to diet of the injury, caused by the spleen and stomach disorders, indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain, toxins, malnutrition, constipation, diarrhea and other digestive diseases appear. Children of these common diseases, health Cupping therapy can be used for prevention and health care.
Above is for reference only.

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