World Travel Pro Hits 2,000 Followers! My Steemit Experience After One Year and a Huge Shout to My Steemit Friends!

My Steemit Experience After One Year!

Almost exactly after one year on Steemit I've crossed 2,000 followers and obtained a 66 rep. Steemit has been a wild ride. My first three months were by far the most difficult. Not truly understanding why I was making only 30 cents a post and others were making hundreds of dollars really discouraged me.

As time went on I learned the importance of networking myself and building relationships throughout the community. This is when my blog really took off. The combination of good unique content and steemit friends has been the key to my success.

Like most people, I came to Steemit to supplement my income. More specifically make an income from sharing my in-depth travel knowledge and experiences. Success was to be measured in earnings and still is, however the valuable connections and friendships I've made on the platform have turned out to be equally rewarding if not more so.

Never being into social media and just doing my own thing traveling the world for over eleven years the social aspect of Steemit was a real eye opener. Combined with my international lifestyle, I've met fellow steemit members on three continents over the past year.

Making friends online was nice but getting to meet these friends in person really put meaning into the expression I start every post with "Hey there my Steemit friends!". Even just last week I got to meet @chefsteve, @waybeyondpadthai, and Mike and Kirk who run the @sndbox organization in New York City.

I've met @theywillkillyou and @fitinfun in Bangkok Thailand; @luzcypher, @donnaincancun, @mithrilweed in Playa Del Carmen Mexico. I've met @intrepidsurfer and hung out with him in Lobitos Peru for a few days. Meeting all these wonderful people face to face really puts the meaning of friend on the level I prefer to have it.

One thing that can be a bit of a downside of living a nomadic travel lifestyle how I do is that at times it can get a bit lonely. Now because of Steemit I have people that are looking forward to meeting the "World Travel Pro" around the world!

In this regard Steemit has truly been an incredible addition to my life. Before steemit, travel was just how I enjoyed to live. Now I get paid for it, complimented for it, help others, and meet like minded people as I go from destination to destination.

What started as a new, confusing, and difficult venture has truly become rewarding on levels I did not anticipate. and I sincerely thank all those who follow this blog and support my efforts here on steemit. When I crossed 1,000 followers I did an in depth thank you post to all those who have supported my work.

That list has gotten so long I don't think I can do that again with my very busy lifestyle, but at the end of each post I make sure to leave that list of steemit members who make this blog possible. However I must mention the man who kept me on the platform, @lukestokes.

Before quitting Steemit out of pure frustration and my hard work getting paid peanuts time and time again, I reached out to Luke and he started supporting my blog with his powerful up-votes, inspiring me to stay and keep building on what I started. Now a year later, I can't thank him enough as Steemit has been life changing and has paid off in spades. Thank you Luke.

Steemit friends from around the world!

New York City: Left to right. Kirk @voronoi, me, Mike @hansikhouse...the @sndbox guys.

Playa del Carmen Mexico: Left to right. @lucyzpher, @mithrilweed, @donnaincancun, me.

Bangkok Thailand: Angelo @theywillkillyou.

Lobitos Peru with @Intrepidsurfer.

Bangkok Thailand. Sharon @fitinfun

New York City: Left to right. Me, Steve @Chefsteve, Mo @waybeyondpadthai

Thank you to these very special people who support my efforts and make this blog possible!

@lukestokes @sndbox @gringalicious @eturnerx @natureofbeing @slowwalker @newhope @ripperone @mangos @ausbitbank @alexis555 @redes @gavvet @flipstar @magicmonk @darthnava @doitvoluntarily @broncnutz @joythewanderer @onealfa @theywillkillyou @heyitshaas @czechglobalhosts @kommienezuspadt @margaretwise @gregbit @hansikhouse @voronoi @janusface @twinner @fitinfun @bxlphabet @suerisue @qurator @yankee-statman @luzcypher @phortun @monika-homa @karenmckersie @world5list @chefsteve @offoodandart @k4r1nn @liflorence @cecicastor @intrepidsurfer @oldtimer @makeithappen @schmidthappens @lavater @xsasj @extremeromance @jedau

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