Steemit's First NHL Hockey Draft! All SBD From Posts About The Draft Will Go To The Pool For The Winners Including This One

NHL Season Is Starting, Should We Set Up A Hockey Draft?...


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Hello my fair Steemian's,

I've been sitting here watching all these other drafts come to fruition just waiting for the NHL season to kick off. I'm Canadian and it got me thinking, I wonder how many others out there would be interested in a steemit hockey draft for the 2016-2017 season. I'm not to sure if this will peak the interest of anyone but if it does peak your fancy feel free to drop a comment below with a little info on how you'd like the draft to work. I've got a few suggestions as well as a couple questions I'd like to propose to the community, feedback is most certainly important and will be well received.

It will be set up on Pickuphockey

For the buy in, I'd like to keep it completely in steem and set a price of either 10, 15, or 20sbd.

Would the community prefer a straight pool or a draft pool.

In a draft pool once the player has been taken by someone else they become unavailable to the others. I was thinking a straight pool would be better, if we do a draft pool we would all have to get together at the same time to draft, or the draft would have to take place over a matter of days so everyone could get their vote in and then wait for the next person. Unless someone else knows of a better way.

How many players would everyone prefer, I was thinking 15-25 players, must take at least one goalie as well as at least 2-4 defencemen.

Would we want players to be tradable throughout the year at a few designated times (maybe 2-3 times a year), and if so would we want the trades to be replacement trades, or split trades.

Split trades - the points the player has accumulated for you up to that time stay with you and then the new player you trader for starts accumulating points for you the moment you acquire them. This is my preferred way, the other (replacement trades) is a complete point swap where all the points earned by the player you've traded away will be replaced by all the points the new player has accumulated up to that time so far.

Depending on whether this generates alot of interest or not, I was thinking the top 10 players, or top 10% could reap the benefits of the payouts at the end. 1st place taking a larger share and then moving on down the ladder.

There are a whole bunch of variation points that can be awarded as well

We can award extra points to goalies for shut outs, or for overtime goals, game winning goals, or basically whatever. I've attached some screenshots I took to show you the majority of variations we can have to make it a little more interesting.

Forward Player Variations

Defence Player Variations

Goalie Player Variations

Enforcer Player Variations (which I think is super cool)

Like I said uptop all SBD this post and any posts in the future about the hockey draft that earn SBD will be held until payout time. I am going to keep the SBD as well as keep an accounting record myself in this account, and post the ongoing amount every week when I do an update on the draft and the positions of the players.

I realize this does bring the issue of trust into the picture, which all I can say is I've been here since steemit basically went live (a week maybe two after), all my steem I've made is still on this site, I've powered up everything other then the little amounts of Steem I have kicking around that I haven't gotten to yet, and I'm also hoping having a decent reputation, as well as a public track record on the blockchain will help show I'm here to stay and haven't shown any reason to be mistrusted. That being said, if anyone would like to set up, or knows how to set u a type of escrow holding account that is verified and trusted that can be used to hold SBD feel free to let me know and we can use that instead. Less liability on my part anyways lol.

But anyways that is my proposition to the community, I'll set it up, make it happen, and hopefully have a good time and make some new friends while doing it if people are interested. If this post makes alot of Steem that is awesome for the players and the draft, but I'm truly looking for feedback on this one to see if this is something I should set up or not. With the NHL season fast approaching I figured I should get on this now.

Please leave a quick comment if this interests you or not, not sure how many hockey fans we have here but hopefully there's enough to get a little community going that has fun but also comes with some payouts attached as well. I would really love the feedback, if there's love, I can't wait to move forward with this.

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