Comment bots please desist

I was so pleased to gain an increasingly rare comment on a recent article.

Interesting post. We want more! came the comment.

I naively thought my article had been valued and someone, somewhere, respected my original writing and wanted more.

I diligently thanked the respondent and thought to myself, that's nice, the world does love you, (at least a little bit) after all.

Upon reading another article in my feed I noticed the same respondent had proffered the same response. That's odd i thought, what a lazy commentator.

So I went to the blog of the lazy respondent and checked out their comment feed.

That was when I rumbled...


I cannot begin to describe how angered I was that I had been phished by a bot. That I had made the effort and wasted the time to actually thank a bot for making a complete cunt out of me.

My well considered opinion,

My hard fought for platform,

My work of literary mediocrity

had been judged by a fucking bot

I find it difficult to voice my dismay.

I have rarely felt so humiliated

I have rarely felt so defiled

I have rarely felt so violated

I have rarely felt so suckered

I have rarely felt so fucking angry

comment bots please desist version 944ae4a

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