Why you should stop what you're doing and buy STEEM right now.

Wait... You said BUY now?

This may seem scary to you... and it seems scary to me to, especially since this is my first ever investment in cryptocurrency. I have learned a lot in the past month about cryptocurrency, but I still feel like i've only begun to scratch the surface. Even though I may be an *amateur* in the crypto-world, I can see the potential of STEEM.

With the price of BTC down some and the price of STEEM down quite a bit, relatively speaking, everyone is freaking out and either

A) Selling everything and powering down without questioning it


B) Freaking out and asking if they should sell and power down. (Yes, I said "Freaking Out" twice)

No one is posting about if they should BUY. But why?

The Sky Is Not Falling...

As with anything, you will see raises and falls in the trends. You are seeing the heavy drops now due several things happening all around the same time that aren't necessarily good publicity. For example: The recent(ish) hacks (Though that has all been resolved), as well as a lot of people trading in STEEM for Bitcoin, because they either had a bunch of STEEM Dollars that they earned from a posting, or had STEEM before and are selling it because they are scared that it won't ever be worth anything again.

What most people still don't seem to realize is that even if (and that's a big if) the price of STEEM drops to $2 or below, it still has more value than the USD, despite the small amount of users and the recent negative publicity. Thats huge!

What this all means...

Everyone is different, and everyone has different financial situations...

For me, I am going to invest all my spare change into STEEM POWER as much as I can while STEEM is dropping, that way once I have most of my STEEM invested at a much lower price than I initially purchased it I will make a larger profit when the price drives through the roof again. The price of STEEM will raise and fall overtime, but the floor will only continue to rise as more and more people flood the blockchain.

Don't be the guy who cry's at night when he witnessed STEEM at $2.24 and is later seeing it at $5, $10, $100+. Now is your shot to invest while it's down!

Choose wisely and get the pickin' while the pickin's good... my $0.02.

#steemit #steem #investnow #flsteem

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