Nutrition #76: The benefits of eating vitamin A

In modern day life, people worry, busy, do a lot of work to make money that sometimes forget the most important thing of life. That's health. " Health is everything ". And in order to have good health we need to supplement our nutrition and exercise regularly. I bring you useful information about foods that will bring great nutritional value. I think you will need it to improve and enhance your health every day. Today, I will tell you about the nutrition of vitamin A.

The benefits of eating vitamin A


  • Vitamin A affects the genes that determine the sequential development of certain organs during embryonic development. In children, vitamin A helps develop height and weight, vitamin A deficiency makes the bones soft and slender than normal, calcification disorder. Vitamin A deficiency, children will develop more physically than normal children of the same age.
  • Vitamin A is required for the protection of the corneal epithelium and epithelial organs, trachea, salivary glands, small intestine, testicles ... In the absence of vitamin A, the production of mucus The skin is dry and appears horny, which is usually seen in the eye, initially with dry conjunctivitis and severe damage to the cornea, which causes a perforation of the cornea and leads to blindness.
  • When light hits the retina in the human eye, a molecule called rhodopsin will be activated. The rhodopsin molecules that are activated send a signal to the brain that then transmits the image to the brain from the eye. Vitamin A is an imortant part of the rhodopsin molecule, which is why vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness at night.
    Beta carotene - a form of vitamin A found in plants, plays a role in preventing macular degeneration, the leading cause of age-related blindness.
  • nother benefit of vitamin A is that it boosts the immune system. The genes involved in immune responses are often regulated by vitamin A. This deficiency of vitamin A can increase the risk of infection and impair the overall immune system.
    Beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant that can help boost the immune system and prevent a wide range of chronic diseases.


Here are all the most useful information I have found. These are the great uses that vitamin A bring to people, you should add right foods, delicious, on the menu for your family right away. For the health of yourself and your loved ones. I hope it will help you . Remember the most important thing: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”
Thank you for reading!

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