Steemit visitor from the north! 🧀🇳🇱

Hi Steemians. Today @thekrimp visited me at the restaurant.


It was in the early afternoon, i’m not open until 5 o’ clock so i was a bit surprised. At first i thought he was a delivery guy.😂 And actually he was, because he gifted me a pack of hand crafted cheese cookies.👍


So that was really nice, it was the first time that i met somebody from Steemit who i didn’t know before.

We chatted a bit about Steemit and some other people that we follow on the platform. Like @s3rg3, @missmau and the @blockbrothers, also @loonatic, @markush and @smasssh of course😄. In short, almost the whole delegation from Holland.😉


Anyway @thekrimp was working, and me too so it was a short meetup.
After he left, i immediately started to eat my cheese cookies because i was a bit hungry.
And man, they where amazing.


Cheese cookies after 5 minutes...


Cheese cookies after 10 minutes...😬

I had to put them away or i would have eaten the whole pack.😄

So @thekrimp man, it was really nice to meet you.
Thanks a lot for the visit and the cookies!

Cheers and see you later for another steemit meetup.😄


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