Why Steemit should Support OpIceISIS - Anonymous

Why Steemit should Support OpIceISIS - Anonymous

Hello Everyone! I am going to cover an extremely controversial topic even within the Anonymous community itself. The ongoing OpISIS and OpIceISIS Operations. These ops have caused a massive amount of infighting within the Anonymous community but highlight an extremely important discussion on "Freedom of Speech" and "Internet Censorship".

The discussion revolves around this. Is it just for Anonymous to use the tools available to the collective to censor suspected ISIS accounts from social media platforms? The answer to this of course is not a simple yes or no, there are varying arguments and justifications for doing this or not. If the ISIS accounts were to start showing up on steemit, how would that be censored in the future, by admins or users?

The argument for censoring these accounts is fairly straightforward. ISIS are the boogie men in black pajamas created by foreign influence, they are allowed to use social media like twitter, facebook, etc to recruit new people and spread propaganda. So by removing these accounts they are losing their ability to spread their message. Most of the ISIS accounts online are just there for propaganda purposes and to recruit new member so by shutting their sites down, we effectively cut off their supply of new recruits via the internet. As ISIS is just a tool of the Western Intelligence services to cause chaos in Syria, they have been allowed to have social media platforms, and companies like Cloudfare are highly implicated in hosting their websites and accounts. We have compiled target lists, and twitter accounts like @ctrlsec tweet out lists of targets for Anonymous members to simply block and report, thus removing them from twitter. There are also rooms in IRC, the main room being OpIceISIS, where targets and actions are posted on pastebin for collective action.

An example of one operation I participated in within the OpIceISIS that anyone would have a hard time arguing about the validity of was OpNhNN. This was lead by @AnonD0xy a follower of mine on twitter. He had noticed that ISIS was branding all of a certain group of twitter accounts with nhnn, so it would be something like @daeshbag_nhnn on twitter. The common theme for these accounts was to recruit children for ISIS, and they were all twitter accounts depicting ISIS children warriors. Hoping to target and recruit children for their cause. We blocked and reported and got all of these accounts removed well over a year ago now. The shocking lack of twitter censorship of these accounts, forced our hand to censor them as a collective.

The argument for not censoring the ISIS accounts revolves around gathering intelligence. The intelligence services and some hackers have argued that we should allow the “ISIS” daeshbags to keep their accounts because they are connecting to each other and by hijacking their accounts you can gain intelligence on their operations. The other argument put out by @YourAnonNews (https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews) on twitter is regarding the language barrier:

Obviously Anonymous and the groups running the OpIceISIS have the ability to read Arabic, and or translate language from Arabic, so this language barrier argument is invalid. I also personally suspect the YourAnonNews account to be government run, but that is just my opinion. Others in Anonymous feel the same way:

As for the “gathering intelligence” argument, as you can see above I don’t believe this is a valid argument either. Hackers like WauchulaGhost (https://twitter.com/WauchulaGhost) have hijacked countless “ISIS” accounts and it seems the only intelligence able to be garnered is passed along to agencies when needed. See article below on how another group “GhostSec” aka Ghost Security was able to foil some ISIS terror plots by passing along information gathered during OpISIS.


So clearly as you can see from the above article, OpISIS and OpIceISIS are not only helping by removing the ISIS accounts from the internet, they are also gathering any relevant intelligence and passing it along. Once again proving that Anonymous is actually a better source of actionable intelligence than the Intelligence agencies who constantly are trying to shut down Anonymous hackers and throw them in jail.

So in conclusion, Anonymous should support OpISIS and OpIceISIS as this is the best way to not only end ISIS recruitment online, but to also find actionable intel to stop any future terror attacks. If you would like to know how to participate please feel free to drop a comment. Or go to OpNewBlood in IRC and ask: https://newblood.anonops.com/

Of course the easiest way to assist OpIceISIS is to follow the @CtrlSec accounts on twitter, and just block and report the targets they put out: https://twitter.com/ctrlsec?lang=en

Thanks for reading this blog post on Operation ICE ISIS, please feel free to join the discussion. Please help out in any way you can to support this operation. Lastly, screw the CIA / Mossad run daeshbags.

Images I made for ISISTrollingDay, another one of the more fun parts of this operation:

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