@tipU Curation Project Update #1:

Hi guys, how's it going. The @tipU curation project is in testing for about 24 hours now and it's time for first updates :)


Curation Mana

The previous system used 2 variables to determinate the curator's usage of @tipU voting power: allowed votes per day and maximum upvote. Because of some last moment changes it led to some funky results so I've figured out it's gonna be better to simplify it and use only one value - curation mana.

It's basically as simplified version of STEEM voting power. If you check https://tipu.online/curators you can see that curation mana is expressed in something like this: 80% (4/5)

Each curation vote will drain curators curation mana and when it reaches 0%, curator is no longer able to cast curation votes. This value for every curator is reset every 24 hours back to 100% so no worries.

The (4/5) represents amount of 1% @tipU upvotes the curator can use. In this example he can use 5 upvotes that have power of 1% and he already used 1 - so 4 left.

Now the cool part is that curator can use all curation mana at once or any selected part of if. In our example he already used 1 by using @tipu curate command (by default the curation vote is always 1%). Now he can use @tipu curate 4 which will tell @tipu to cast 4% upvote. Curator can also use 0.5% by using @tipu curate 0.5 and in this example he will still have 3.5 curation mana left (70%).

But there's one thing - some users use an interesting curation strategy by casting many very small curation votes (like 0.02%). While I totally understand why they do this, this greatly limits the content creator's reward - after all he only got 0.02% from @tipU and maybe he deserves much more - but on STEEM everyone can vote only once (without loosing all curation rewards). Therefore I'm thinking about setting the minimum upvote to 1% - let me know what do you think about this idea.


Also score calculation has been simplified. It's a relative ratio between actual total curation rewards and total standard (expected 50%) curation reward. Sounds weird but it's really simple:
score = (total_curation rewards - standard_curation_rewards) / standard_curation_rewards * 100
If it has positive value - like 20 - it means that the curator is creating 20% more curation rewards then the standard, 50% of vote value reward and negative value means that's it's less.

Good curators should be able to level up much faster now and have more control over @tipU voting power quicker. One thing to notice is that initially every upvote will have big impact on the curation score but the more upvotes done, the more stable the score will become.

That wraps it up for today, I hope to code the reward pool for curators tomorrow :) Remember that the project is live for about 24 hours now so I'm sure there's gonna be more glitches, fixes and tweaks in the upcoming days.

If you didn't manage to get nominated yesterday, let me know in the comments ;)

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