5 Reasons Why Steemit Will Revolutionize Social Media

We've really been going through the motions lately on Steemit.

We bore witness to the invasion of the bots and saw the implementation of a reputation system that has caused the demise of members like the infamous @wang bot. The pay out time on a post has been changed to 12 hours instead of 24 which has definitely switched up the dynamic of Steemit. Since then I haven't since your typical beach and boobs post on the trending page (I had a big weekend so I may have missed a sneaky one). But at the moment I'd like to talk about the aspects of Steemit that make it a fucking kick ass social media website.

So, we all know that Steemit can be a great source of income right?

It's also an excellent source of content.

Lets talk about that for once.

Steemit encourages users to be themselves.

In the past most social media websites have given people a platform to flaunt a fake persona and be praised for being a buffoon. This is a big no no on Steemit, everything from that first verification photo to the shared true stories plays an imperative role in the evolution of an active member. People on Steemit seem to be really good at sniffing out if a person is genuine or not, I think that most active users are much more welcoming to a person who is being real. Lets be honest, social media has been the catalyst for a lot of inflated egos out there. There's thousands of people on FB who's entire lives are spent trying to get likes, whatever the fuck that even is. I guess it's a manufactured form of validation which actually isn't worth anything tangible and only gives temporary pleasure which then festers into the deadly pleasure-pain cycle.

People get props on Steemit for being themselves, whatever that may be.

Bad content doesn't make money or gain attention on Steemit.

The truth is that good content isn't always going to make heaps of money. But the far more important truth is that bad content doesn't make any money, in fact it disappears under the weight of the good stuff. Just think about Facebook and its obvious flaws, even on the best of days you're sure to see several phoney links to pornography. I am yet to see a single one on Steemit simply because it's not going to work, no one click on it, the person or bot who posted it won't make money or get praise and it will soon be quashed by curators. We're all technically invested in the success of Steemit because we have Steem, so it basically polices itself in that sense.

Steemit takes care of itself, we're all committed to the growth and success of Steemit.

People are rewarded for creating and curating great content.

This is probably the best part of Steemit for me and I know heaps of people would agree. For too many years social media websites have been using our content to provide advertisers with a big pool of potential customers. I know there's loads of Steemers who have been posting their own original stories, blogs, tutorials and music for years and totally for free. Writing is awesome even without the money, it's one of my favourite past times and I also love to read. So the fact that you can make some extra cash not only by creating informative posts, but also by up voting a great article is phenomenal to me. People even get crazy payouts just off comments, I've seen some well over $1000.

No other social media website allows users to earn money for writing AND curating posts.

Steemit posters are real people.

Once you spend a bit of time on here you really start to get to know your fellow Steemers. You've seen photos of the most important moments of their lives, they've shared their experiences, written of their struggles and you've seen them succeed. Success is relative, I know that I'm happy to earn a few measly cents or dollars from a post on because I believe in the future of Steem. We can confidently say that the positive people who keep posting on here are truly succeeding or at least progressing towards their goals, whatever they may be. Even Steemers who have been wildly successful in their lives/careers still feel like normal people just checking out the sensation that is Steemit. Egos aren't people and I feel like we are pretty free of ego on here, that's a rare thing these days.

You get to know other Steemit posters and realise most are normal everyday people.

No censorship.

If you're like me you fucking hate censorship. Not many things annoy me more than someone taking away my right to hear something the way it was intended to be heard because it may offend someone or upset the establishment. Thankfully (and unfortunately for some), posts can't be deleted on Steemit and they can only be edited for the first 12 hours. The beauty is that some butt hurt mum or hero dad can't report a harmless post and have it taken down by the censor nazis. What's also potentially problematic but also great is the fact that if a user uploads a crude, grotesque post, no one can even delete that. Trust me, I don't want to see that shit, but I also believe in people's right to be weird as long as it doesn't hurt another human being or impose on their rights. Luckily it will be down voted and quickly disappear anyways, s/o to the Steem overlords on that one.

People can post whatever the fuck they want on Steemit.

Hope you enjoyed guys, POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


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