♨️Crypto Shirt #5 Steemit for the win! ♨️

Welcome back Crypto Nation,

All is well I have just taken a little time off for family reasons, but I'm back. I actually ordered this shirt from the Steemit's own store. It's a shirt that represents the Smart Media Tokens(Smt). These are one of the major reasons I have invested in this platform, I think once they Steem will go to the moon.

I'm wondering if anyone has new information on these SMT's?

Take a look at these pics and let me know what you think below. So happy to hear from all of you.

So this is how the package arrived from Steemit headquarters. 20180403_222013.jpg

Does anyone know what the different logos stand for? 20180403_221950.jpg

Here is a picture of me in the studio wearing the shirt 20180403_222130.jpg

Have a great weekend and I'll try my best to post sooner than later from now on.

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