You know #Steemit is going to be LEGENDARY when you can get your girlfriends/boyfriends/family to sign up, try it I dare you. (I've 100% success rate so far with #TheGirlFriendTest and it feels great. Takes 15 minutes.)

more proof:

This logic is sound, I promise you, just read and find out why. It's a proven strategy to gauge how successful #Steemit is going to be. I'll walk you through it.

Proof: My girlfriend signed up after 1 day of hearing about it, but never used Bitcoin after hearing about it for years. Bitcoin is too hard and too much effort for her and most other people as well. Bitcoin is like the nerds cryptocurrency at this point in time. Steemit could change that. And it's well on its way, I've never seen this many non crypto users flood into any crypto project, not even Bitcoin. I've watched for 5 years.

Feel free to show her what steemit is all a bout folks: She doesn't post bland steemit content like some of us but rather her real interests, which sadly are in unpopular categories:

Do you want to be sure this project is going to be successful but you don't understand the markets, trade crypto currency, mining Bitcoins or any of that crazy nerdy stuff? We'll I've got the perfect metric for you. The girlfriend & friend metric.

The Girlfriend, Friends & Family Metric goes as follows:

How many times have you tried to explain technology to people just to have their eyes glaze over 10 minutes into you discussing subjects you never intended to, but somehow stumbled into trying to cover the basics of economics or how a battery works?

We'll I've got good news for you, just go tell you girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/mother/father the following, and they will sign up 10 minutes later:

1. Explain them how Reddit (upvoting/downvoting) and/or Facebook works and how both of these companies make millions upon millions of dollars for people using these websites.

2. Tell them that people are getting paid hundreds and thousands of dollars for blogging on a new social media platform that just came out 2 months ago, and it isn't owned by anyone person.

3. Tell them it is an open source project, which means no one owns it and its built for the masses, instead of the interests of a single entity.

4. Tell them the price has exploded 1200% in a few days and they can start earning $5-$200 dollars for just writing interesting content about their lives, life lessons, skills and so on, and there is alot of people saying the price will keep rising higher.

5. Tell them they could easily make a few hundreds bucks simply by posting a quality intro, with a few images and a proper "introduceyourself" hashtag, watch their eyeballs widen, then help them sign up. Then remind them to post their genuine interests and more money could/will come.

6. After they start earning, learning Bitcoin will be a breeze, trust me. There is now incentive to learn how to get a Bitcoin debit card, a bitcoin wallet. Let's just hope Steem wallets and debit cards come out asap! Multiwallets I'm looking @ you guys! ( / /coinomi)

The proof is in the pudding, get out there and show people Steemit folks! 

oh and here's a picture of myself, @lovenugz and Snoop Dogg just because I don't have an image for this post lol! ;] I hope he signs up soon... Oh yea we were inside of Emerald Haze Recreational Store in Renton, Washington when we met him if anyone cares lol. 

edit: i moved this to its own thread:

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