Steemin' Story of the Sundry Samples of Steem...My Success and Failure on Steem in Steemwords

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I was Steemrolled by the Steemfold increase in Steem! Steemers jeepers creepers how did I Steemin' miss Steemit!!! I was Steemy-eyed when I awoke one Steemit morning to a blue-Streem of Steemarticles Steeming off the Steempresses. I was Steemin' with Steemotions. SteemPowers, SteemDollars, Steem what does it all Shtee-mean!?


My brain was Steemcold and Steemlulled from Steemoverload. I can be a Steemillionaire!!! I was Steemjolled! How Steemtastic I was about to Steemsail into the SunSteemSet beware of the Steembots out there! But, damn-Steemit-how I must Steempost now. I must Steemlearn right MEOW!!! How to Steemthousands from my Steemposts, or shall I Steemcurate? What can I SteemWrite I hope I'm SteemRight!


I've Steemin' got it! A Steemin' Double Rainbow (My first article, steemedterrible, Ohhh, my Steemesteem is Steemushed! I SteemZero'd! Steemblashemy! I was Steemtrucked by my Steemuck of a Steempost, Shtdeemit!!! Steem-nobody can keep me Steemedown I must Steempower-UP!


Steemitz, I've got it! I will Steemwrite of my Steemjourney as a Hockey Steemplayer. I will Steemshare my Steemgoals and Steemdreams among-st all of the Steemtrollz and Steempeoplez! How Steemtacular! I Steem'd on 4-Steemdays and 3-Steemnights to Steemshare my Steemitstory. I Steemsearched Steemarkdown and Steemhtml. So Steeminhelpful a beautiful Steemunity we have! I Steemsearched WHEN to Steempost SO Steemin-important! Steemheart a pounding I Steemclicked my life into Steemexistence, Steem1,2,3 Steemdollars-to 1,2,3 Steemhundreds-to-1,2,3 Steemthousands!!! Holy-Steemitz, this is the Steemshitz! 8,000 Steemdollars to 10,000 Steemback to 8,000? What the Steemsuck? Who Steemcares look at all that Steemshares! I'm Steemrollin' and Steemdoughin'!!!


This is the Steembee's of the Steemknee's. I've Steem-done-it! I will Steemblog on from Steemon! What to SteemNext!? I am Steemblocked and Steemaddicted. Such Steemwonderful Steempeople I love our Steemcommunity! I'm Steemin'n'love for Steemlife! Steem-all-4-1-Steem-1-4-all. STEEMPOWERUP to all, to all Steemnight!

"What the mind can conceive, you can achieve, as long as the heart believes!"

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