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Balancing the pool: Why Helsing is vital for communities

Now, some people might not understand the need for something like Helsing but here is a little scenario to perhaps shed some light through a different perspective.

Let's say there is a Whale that cares for the community, takes their time to curate, delegate, spread their value. Let's call him, THE GOOD WHALE (TGW)

Now, because of TGW's community orientated nature, it cares for the way the pool is distributed and to whom it gets distributed to. TGW spends his effort finding and supporting community nodes who will in turn, find and support a wider group again. By doing this, TGW's value gets spread broadly and among those who are also community developers.

But, something happens. TGW finds out there is a Cave Troll raping the reward pool of massive amounts of value and providing nothing to the community and, those that speak out, get flagged. This makes TGW say, I am going to use my stake to balance the pool but, this comes at a cost.

Not just curation.

TGW needs its stake to battle so, recalls delegations from those community nodes and stops supporting them with votes as it needs the Voting Power for flags instead as the flags return the value back to the pool.

Now, TGW goes on the defensive, the defense of the community pool but, it can only defend its small piece of it. Better than nothing. However, TGW is not powerful enough to take value back and keep supporting its worthy community. Nor does TGW have enough power alone to deliver a battle ending blow.

So TGW flags all its Voting power it can every day and the community that relied on the wide-ranging support slowly shrinks. But hang on, the value went back to the pool, how come they aren't okay??

Well, Communities are already here in practice and they are often gathered around several larger accounts. This means that if those larger accounts 'abandon' them to go to war, they are going to struggle. And this is the issue, those who are willing to flag abusive accounts are the ones who are also the most likely to also have a community of builders surrounding them.

The money does return to the pool for distribution but, the ones who are the most interested in distributing to those worthy, have no Voting Power left to share their stake. So, who do you think gains?

Well, it still gets distributed but it is much more likely to now go to other, (probably lower level) non-community spirited users. One Cave troll might be smashed, but it now splinters into a thousand little orcs but TGW is too spent from flagging and cannot deal with it.

Now, dealing with a particularly large Cave Troll, there may be several TGWs needed which means several communities lose a great deal of their support. These communities are the ones who are more likely to be the builders since their major node is a community-conscious, distribution-aware thinker willing to flag abuse. For the greater community, this is a catastrophe and is untenable as it leads to a spiralling down of the builders and a winding up of the scammers.

This is why Helsing is SO important.

You know who they are - tell them.

For a fraction of the cost, many whales can agree on the largest, clear-cut cases of pool extractors and still have the vast majority of their stake to distribute as they choose.

This in turn means that when the Cave troll is crushed and splinters, the splinter extractors are still not likely to have much access to the pool but, the communities supported by their major nodes have an increased amount. It also leaves whales like TGW the abiltity to cope with the smaller splinters easily on an ad hoc basis.

Even if Helsing ONLY deals with the most obvious cases via a quorum, it will be of so much community value that it should go ahead, at least for a trial period.

Now, Some of you reading this do know THE GOOD WHALES who are community orientated and thinking about the future. Many of you are supported by them.

Put it in front of them, get their opinion, ask them to consider it. Even if 10 or 20 of the largest give 10% instead of the 1% from the 200, it will significantly lighten the loads on a few and coordinate their efforts and leave them with most of the power necessary to support the communities they care so much about.

I don't know them all, I don't have relationships with many but the ones I do, are here, are thinking, are helping, are supporting and I think that says something. Even if you have no idea who I am and couldn't care less, at least give them the time to consider this because THEY have earned it.

Again, this is a trial of self-governance to use stake as chosen to cooperate on an exercise to protect both community and freedom. A Trial. It can be dissolved immediately at any point, it can be parked, hibernated and lay dormant at all other times. But, if a Cave Troll decides to set up residence, it can be animated to remind it, we all live here.


[ a Steemit original ]