The unadulterated truth about ridiculously high Steemit payouts.

Let's get PAID!

If you've been browsing Steemit for the past couple of weeks chances are you've seen various posts attempting to explain the reader how to write a post that almost guarantees you a high pay out.

While i do appreciate the efforts of the authors who write these posts and while it is true that there are certain guidelines that can help you improve your content and visibility on Steemit.

The truth is there really isn't a fixed formula that guarantees you anything.

Judging from my own experience as an early adopter of the platform. I can tell you that there is very little to no real guarantee that a well written, well researched post is going to generate more than say, a meme.

The way Steemit is set up allows certain users to exert a massive influence on the system. The reason why some users have consistently high pay outs is because they somehow made it on the radar of these users. For instance, a couple of weeks ago i posted a few things that barely generated between $1 to $20. After being mentioned in one of Cryptogee's posts (thank you @cryptogee!) This content rose spectacularly to an average of $200

There seems to be a growing concern among users who are voicing their opinion on this subject. Many are saying that payouts aren't reflecting the value of the content and they are right, to some degree.

Stay Focused

One has to bear in mind first of all that Steemit is a platform which is still very much in its infancy. As the popularity of Steemit increases many improvements will be made to its underlying mechanisms. We also have to keep in mind that while producing content, the main focus should be great content, not the payout.

While this may seem like a bold statement, think about what you were doing before you discovered Steemit. Untill about two months ago i was sharing my thoughts, ideas, pictures, illustrations, designs, music, video's & animations online without making a nickel.

Think of it as a game changer

The fact that i can now share all of my content on a platform which gives me an opportunity to monetise it without any middleman is groundbreaking to say the least. As Steemit continues to grow and new services are created on top of it there will be more and more ways to streamline content and increase your own visibility.

Don't despair when a post you've worked on for a while isn't immediately generating what you would have expected it to. With everything you post on Steemit you are creating momentum one step at a time.
Keep your focus on what really matters: Producing and upvoting great content!

Expand your horizon

While i do not think the perfect formula for a successful post exists, i do want to emphasize the importance of trying out new ways of producing and delivering content.

This basically comes down to personal preference but confining yourself to one subject or niche could be limiting your potential on the platform. If you have found something that works for you, good! But if you haven't, continue to experiment with new content and ways of delivering it.

"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking."
- Voltaire

If you encounter any difficulties understanding specific subjects or concepts related to Steemit. Do not hesitate to ask questions! Steemit is incredibly user-friendly by design, there are however certain concepts that may seem a bit daunting to fully wrap your head around. Although much has been written by many top contributors explaining the workings of Steemit, you might still have a bunch of questions.
Post them! There will be many contributors, including myself, willing to give you an answer.

It's a journey, not a contest.

Steemit has seen spectacular growth over the past week or so. Starting from July 7th to today the value of STEEM went from 0.20USD to 4USD, that's an increase of 2000% over the course of just five days! If Steemit continues to grow at this amazing rate i might just be right after all.

This basically means that If you are reading this and have the ability to upvote content you are still one of the early adopters of this platform.

If you are seeing Steemit's massive potential you are clearly on the right end of the spectrum as this is merely the beginning of something very, very BIG.

Peace out.


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